If you want to understand how to improve your overall health and fitness...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
Don't Miss Out on the Most Wonderful Experience in the World!
It doesn't matter whether you're a complete health and fitness novice or not ...
This fitness guide will get you on the right track to staying healthy!
Daniel McCreedy
Saturday, March 21, 2009
RE: There Are Only 2 Steps Between You and a Lifetime of Fitness!
From: Daniel McCreedy
Dear Friend,
Do you catch yourself cringing every time you walk by your exercise room or corner? How many expensive machines are sitting there gathering dust?
Just imagine what you could have done with the money you spent on those costly room adornments! You should have listened to your spouse or significant other when they cautioned you against buying them.
But the promise of that sleek, toned, ripped body drew you like a moth to the killing flames. If only you owned this
machine your body could look like that!!......
Time's Marching On - But Are You?
A year has passed and you're no better off than when you started. The machine still sits in the corner mocking you as you pass by. No matter how hard you try you can't work up the energy or desire to use it. As a matter of fact the only things going up are your blood pressure, your weight, your waist measurement...
Your joints still hurt. Your back aches from that time you twisted it shoveling snow. Your ankle's still sensitive from the nasty twist you gave it a year ago, playing soccer. From time to time headaches, of unknown origin, take you down to the depths of misery - making you wish you were dead.
Your body's a wreck! You know it - and anyone looking at you can see it - sure as rain comes from the sky.
You need to do something... But what?!
Your Guide To Lifetime Fitness
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Making Fitness Fun...
Fitness can be enjoyable if you know how to make it that way. Forget the gimmick diets... The useless fads. Forget those crazy health foods that cost more than all the meals you've eaten in the past year. This simple, no nonsense approach to overall fitness simply makes sense.
You won't go from flab to fab overnight - but by implementing the easy to read, simple to understand information in "Your Guide to Lifetime Fitness" you'll see continuous daily, weekly, and monthly improvement.
Just think, in no time at all you'll be adding another hole to your belt. In a year's time you'll have to get yourself a whole new wardrobe. Your spouse won't be able to stay away from that great body of yours.
Your energy levels will be through the roof - finally you'll be able to dance the night away just like the young and fit do.
Your soccer team loves you now that you're their fastest player. Snow piles are no match for you now that your back's stronger than it's ever been in your whole life.
You feel great and it's getting harder and harder to remember what it was like when you were "old" and "decrepit". People have been asking what you've been doing to make you look so fantastic.
You feel great! You look great! Life is GOOD!
And all because you took the time to read and put into practice the gems you found inside "Your Guide to Lifetime Fitness".
Sound too good to be true?.... How do you know what I'm saying will really help you? As a matter of fact...
Why Should You Believe Me?
... because not that long ago I was exactly where you are today. I was an unhealthy, out-of-shape, exercise avoiding, couch potato.
It wasn't easy to change when I first started out 10 years ago! The information I was looking for wasn't easy to come by... Especially the kind of thorough information I needed to understand how to improve my overall health. I spent years searching, studying and scouring hundreds of websites, stores, and magazines.
To be quite honest with you, I got so tired of looking and searching all over the place that I decided to create this definitive book on fitness!
My intention with this book is to cover everything there is to know about fitness and make it understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called "Your Guide to Lifetime Fitness" THE best fitness guide available today!
It's like having your very own in-home fitness expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to, day and night!
Still Not Sure...
Listen to What Some of Our Customers Had to Say
"The fantastic information you provided gave me the incentive I needed to get myself moving and do what I know
needs to be done ..."
Your Guide To Lifetime Fitness
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Hello Daniel,
I had a heart attack at age 46 and my doctor has been after me for years to exercise and live a healthier lifestyle, which I do to a certain extent.
But I need to make some improvements. As you know, and mentioned in your book, it's not an easy thing to do. The fantastic information you provided gave me the incentive I needed to get myself moving and do what I know needs to be done to help improve and my health, and probably help me live a few years longer.
Thank you for writing this guide. It will be a wonderful reference for me as I move through the different stages of getting my lifestyle back to a healtier state.
Morgan Lee
Get Your Copy Now!
"I've been looking for an easy to read book on fitness (that really works) and your book is what the doctor ordered."
Thanks so much Daniel for your great ebook. I've been looking for an easy to read book on fitness (that really works) and your book is what the doctor ordered. Your list of tools you use in your guide has made it much easier for me to follow and to keep fit and lose weight.
I would recommend to anyone that wants to keep fit and healthy to read this ebook, "It's The Real Deal!"
Thanks again,
Jameson Phoenix
Here's Just a Glimpse at What You'll Find Inside
This Remarkable Fitness Guide...
Your Guide to Lifetime Fitness
"Your Guide to Lifetime Fitness" - Your comprehensive guide to a healthier you!
This easy to read book on fitness won't take you weeks to read through - you can start putting it into practice today!
In this unique reference guide you'll uncover a wide array of tips, including guidelines on how to lead a healthier life today!
Here are just a few of the tips, tools, and ideas you can use to create that healthy body you've been looking for:
Discover why it's important to stay in shape
Learn where you stand right now with your health
Find out how your blood pressure plays a role
Learn about your Body Mass Index (BMI)
Discover your ideal weight - the answer may surprise you
Discover where your most important measurements are
Find out why fitness means more than losing weight
Discover ways to improve your mind fitness
Learn the best place to start on your road to health
Will meditation help?
Learn about establishing your own overall fitness plan
Discover why sleep is so important!
Learn how your brain power can help you
Plus So Much More!
I don't want to wait another minute for my copy!
Your Guide To Lifetime Fitness
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Listen to what these readers had to say about
"Your Lifetime Guide to Fitness"...
"It's so practical... that I had to let you know how pleased I am to have found this resource!"
Hi Daniel,
I just finished reading “Lifetime Fitness Guide� and it was so practical and straight forward that I had to let you know how pleased I am to have found this resource!
In particular, the section on 'Where Are You?� was very helpful as a motivator for improvement and moving towards where I want to be.
I am so glad you included the Mind Fitness information too. It really is an important component to fitness that often gets overlooked.
But I have to say, the part that I especially loved was the Diet Plan. I highlighted it and posted that section as my constant reminder to keep focused on following these simple and health changing steps.
I really can't thank you enough... so thanks again!
Veronica Bettencourt
Get Your Copy Now!
"You laid it all out for me in an easy to read book! ...there's more to being healthy than people think."
Hi Daniel,
I have spent years trying to find information on fitness and healthy living. You laid it all out for me in an easy to read book! I have never been more satisfied with a purchase like this. I expected to find out what I already knew, but let me tell you what, there is more to being healthy than people think. I think maybe you should have charged me double.
Your Guide To Lifetime Fitness
Click Here For Full Story!
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone striving to create a healthier and more fit lifestyle. This book has helped me tremendously. I am glad that I seized this opportunity while it was there. Thank you for the great information!
Bob Sugarbaker
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Best of success,
Paul Ardien
Daniel McCreedy
P.S Just imagine going from flab to fab... The way you'll feel when you're no longer exhausted all the time! The things you'll be able to do and get done with all your new found energy. No more hoarding your strength for special occassions, no more snide comments about your shape... Just glorious health, and endless energy! Order today and save!
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