Want to Learn the Exact Golf Fitness System that Helped Golfers Lose Up to 20 lbs. of Pure Fat, Increase Drive Distance by 30 Yds and Decrease Their Handicaps by an Average of 4.6 Strokes (in only 6 weeks)
Golfers have been frustrated for a very long time and rightfully so! Look up the statistics from the National Golf Foundation and you will find that the average male handicap is 16.2 and the average female handicap is 28.0. But, here's the real problem. Did you know that these same statistics haven't changed for over 20 years? Now, how is this possible?
* Is it because we don't have access to enough swing instruction information to help us improve?
* Is it because we aren't seeing advances in equipment, balls or technology so there is no way to get better?
* Or maybe we don't have good role models on today's tour to set good examples?
Surely you don't believe any of those three are true. Maybe, just maybe, it is the opposite...
Maybe there is just too much technology and too much information and no way to know how to process it...and maybe, just maybe...
There are too many golf fitness and exercise programs and it is simply too confusing to try and choose one. In fact, here is what one of our readers and avid golfers Gus Mestak asked...
Before we get any further, let's define the real problem so that we can find the right solution. After hearing regular complaints from golfers all over the world regarding the frustrating state of their golf games, their health and their fitness, we decided to take action.
We knew golfers around the world weren't satisfied with their performance and we needed to take immediate action. Here's what they were looking for...
Increase drive distance by 15 to 20 yards or more, although many would be happy with an additional 10 yards
Increase energy levels so they feel refreshed and ready for the back nine. Some even wanted to finish with more energy than when they started!
Get lean, strong and flexible so they could get the most out of every shot and feel good about themselves again
Reduce their handicap to a single digit or get their level of play to match even the most serious competition
But, this wasn't enough...
You see, we were getting letters and e-mail from golfers of various ages, different skill levels and genders. So, we also had to address these important questions...
Which exercise program is best for me at the tender age of 72?
What if I'm a woman? How should I adjust a golf fitness program to best meet my needs?
I'm 19 and playing on the college team. My coach says I have to do the school program, but I don't trust it. Can you help me?
I don't have a lot of experience working out. Will this program give me a fresh start and explain the basics?
and last...
I am very serious about my game and already compete in mini tours and qualifiers. I don't want a program geared towards hackers. I need the best program I can get for my game!
and, of course, the opposite...
Listen, I'm not trying to play like a pro. I'm just sick and tired of feeling so tight and getting injured. I am also not getting a good should turn. Can you help me with some simple stretches and exercises?
If Any Of This Sounds Familiar, Please Read On…
It doesn’t have to be this way and, more importantly, you have far more control than you ever dreamed of. You might think it’s your fault and it’s okay to take some of the blame. So what, if it turns out you’re not perfect after all. But, seriously, you just cannot take all this blame on your shoulders. It’s just too much and it’s not really that fair.
There is a ton of information out there. Some of it is blatantly inaccurate. Some of it doesn't apply to YOU.
You have been playing the game of golf for more than 2 years and have not seen any decrease in handicap...
You are overweight, even slightly, and desire to get back in shape to help your golf game...
You get more tired as each hole progresses, sometimes wanting to stop and rest...
You always seem to have one nagging injury after the one that just won't go away...
You are feeling weak, frustrated and tired with your energy levels on and off the course...
You are certain you could play better golf, if someone could just give you the right golf fitness and nutrition tools...
You want to increase your drive distance and the distance from every club on the fairway...
Your tired of complaining and really ready to take action to improve your game...
You refuse to be 'out driven' by another golfer half your age (or more) and a fraction of your size!
You want to look great and play great so that you can achieve your FULL potential in golf ...
And yet another sign... You practice
WAY TOO HARD to NOT see any results on the golf course!
Now, It's Time to Meet Your Experts…
Where can you find the top experts in golf fitness, fat loss and performance improvement? After reading numerous complaints from frustrated golfers, we decided to step in.
Hello. I'm Susan Hill, an avid golfer and professional golf fitness trainer.
What this really means is that I earn a full time living training professional players on tour in addition to my work with competitive juniors, collegiate golf teams, recreational players and competitive golfers of all levels.
Golf Fitness Challenge
Click Here For Full Story!
You may have seen some of my work in Golf Illustrated, Atlanta Golfer, Resort Living, SELF magazine, GolfersMd or a number of other golf related magazines and websites. Or perhaps you have heard my voice on interviews with ESPN or as a host of my own internet radio show dedicated to golf fitness.
Not only do I understand the performance needs of golfers, but I have a long history of helping them achieve the body and the swing they are looking for.
In many cases, I am brought in on short notice when a professional player is in the middle of a tournament on tour and their instructor or players themselves have concerns over tightness in their swings. Something usually doesn't feel 'right' and they don't have the luxury of waiting around to see what happens.
Hi. I'm Craig Ballantyne, a sought after fitness expert and consultant to Men's Health magazine - one of the most popular fitness publications in the world, and Oxygen magazine.
My fat loss and workout tips are featured every month in Men's
My sports training articles and workouts can be found on a number of websites and in many other magazines such as Men’s Health, Oxygen, Maximum Fitness, and Muscle & Fitness Hers.
My area of expertise includes helping busy men and women lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in as little time as possible. I also have an extensive research background and keep myself up to date on the latest scientific findings that will help improve your health and wellness and your physical and mental performance.
My Turbulence Training program has been sold in over 25 countries around the world and my clients continue to see solid results based on their dedication and efforts. Can't wait for you to see results too!
Golf Fitness Challenge
Click Here For Full Story!
Craig and I were talking about 'why' exactly many golfers don't get the results they're looking for. I was thinking it was because they need something specific and meaningful to work for. Craig agreed, but added, 'my experience shows they need an official challenge'...something that gets them all charged up and energized where they can see results. That's when it hit us...
Let's Create a Golf Fitness Challenge and Show Golfers What Can Be Achieved in as Little as 6 Weeks
So, we wrote a very specific exercise program and stretch program. Heck, we even through in a specific nutrition program. Because we really wanted to prove that if golfers knew WHAT specifically to work on, they could make amazing changes to their bodies and their golf games.
But, first, they had to apply to enter in the 'golf fitness challenge'. We didn't want to take just anyone who said they wanted to play better but weren't willing to do the work. We wanted them to have to prove why we should choose them.
You Won't Believe How the Lives and Games of These Players Changed
Meet Michael. The Golf Problem:
From: xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
The reason I am interested is that I have lost 55 pounds and gotten in pretty good shape in the last 6-9 months. My game has constantly improved in that time period. Well, at least after I got over the large weight loss and reworked a better swing plane. What I learned during this period was that my flexibility was super poor and still is. Even though I knew a lot about some parts of being in shape - when it came to golf - I couldn't do it on my own.
I began looking for a program to get me to the next level. I have been exploring a myriad of avenues including this and the Titleist Institute to name a couple. I am a very dedicated and competitive kind of guy and would push to limit to get all that I can achieve. What I have found out in my pursuit of better fitness is that most folks outside golf don't have a clue on golf specific exercise and diets for golfers.
I want to take my game to the next level and be able to compete in senior events in my area. To do this I am going to have to rely on increasing my strength and flexibility to achieve this goal. So if you are looking for some one who is a golf nut (Bonafide range rat type ) and eager to do whatever it takes, I am your man.
Michael, Handicap 9.2, Age 62
6 Weeks Later, The Solution:
"My Shoulder Turn Improved about 30-40%
At Least!"
From: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
I really got a lot more flexible. My shoulder turn improved about 30-40% at least. My hip rotation really improved also. I learned that my glutes, hip flexors, and hamstrings had a whole lot more to do with golf than I had ever imagined.
I had never viewed stretching as a way to make my body feel better and or feel more alive. I had always viewed stretching as something to warm up with. The wholeness of stretching improved my wellness feeling immensely. I just feel better now - bottom line.
I think I mentioned that I had lost a lot of weight recently and also while I did this program lost about another 6 lbs. I would tell golfers this really works because it will free you up to be a better golfer. I never thought that my lower body had me tied up in knots - I thought my shoulders, arms and back caused all the problems. So this gives me a whole other focus than before. I am absolutely sure that this program will work for anyone who will take the time to make it work.
Michael, Handicap 9.2, Age 62
Golf Fitness Challenge
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Meet Kathy. The Golf Problem:
From: kabbottphd@xxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
I'd like to to be a part of this experiment because I'd like to play better golf. I have a pretty good swing, but not lots of distance. I putt pretty well and it saves me a lot of grief, but I think I can play better than I always do. Some days I shoot in the mid 90s and other days it's not so good. I want consistency and I believe with better fitness I would be.
I think you should choose me because there a lots of older women out there playing golf and we'd like to not be ignored for younger and perhaps what you folks might think more interesting projects. It's important for older men and women to keep active and golf is one of the greatest ways I can think of to do that. I've been playing off and on since I was twelve, but never got the chance to really get into it like I can now.
Lots of my friends are in the same boat. I have the time and the inclination to give it a real go now.
6 Weeks Later, The Solution:
"The Exercises Have Really Helped with
Turning All the Way Through"
From: kabbottphd@xxxxxxx.com]
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
Just a note to let you know how thankful I am. Luckily our weather is still pretty nice and we played golf today. I shot a 99 which is outstanding for me. I'm still doing all those great exercises and they've helped a lot. I've been working on a better follow through, so I'm not hitting it to the right so much. The exercises have helped me with turning all the way through.
Kathy, Handicap 31, Age 65
Meet Lynne. The Golf Problem:
Golf Fitness Challenge
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From: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.com]
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
I am female, age 45 and my handicap is plus three. I want to be a part of this experiment because I want to get in shape in order to compete at a higher level. I need a plan to do that. I need motivation and I think you can help me.
I have been a golf coach for the past 5 years, 2 years high school and 3 years as an assistant at a university. I didn't have the time to work on my own game and fitness when I was assisting the team to do just that. As my job has just ended I will now have the time to dedicate to my fitness and practice schedule.
Although I am a low handicapper I only hit it about 225-230. I cannot compete with the junior and college kids who bomb it. I have to rely on my short game to be competitive. Although I have played in many USGA events, US Ams and Mid-Ams, I rarely get past the qualifying. I want to get to the quarterfinals. I want to be the oldest amateur to qualify for the Women's U.S. Open. I want to be competitive in the senior events when I turn 50.
Lynne, Handicap +3, Age 45
6 Weeks Later, The Solution:
"I've Bombed a Few 240 about 20 yds. Longer than Usual"
From: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.com]
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
On the positive side I can say I am hitting my driver about 5-10 yards longer. I've bombed a few 240 about 20 yards longer that usual. And 5 weeks ago I played the best I've ever played in a USGA event. At the US Women's Mid-Am I qualified 5th and then made it all the way to the semi-finals, losing on the 21st hole to a chip in. My previous best was winning one match. Also my handicap dropped from +1.3 to +3.0 from Sept to Oct.
Lynne, Handicap +3, Age 45
Meet Heather. The Golf Problem:
Golf Fitness Challenge
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From: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
I am 18 years old from Fort Worth, Texas. I just graduated from high school and am going to Missouri State University (MSU) in the fall on a golf scholarship. This challenge interests me because I really enjoy working out and taking advantage of using physical fitness to help my golf game.
Simply from going to pilates classes once a week for a year I have improved my flexibility and added twenty yards to my drive. Therefore, I know fitness can greatly help my golf game I just need more guidance. I am a six handicap and my ultimate goal is to help MSU win a conference championship and make it to the NCAA championship. Also, I have strength issues due to building up some muscles and not others. So I have a few imbalances that I would like to get rid of via strength training. I am willing to do the work I just need the proper workouts that will benefit my golf game.
I think I would be an ideal candidate because I am a blooming young golfer that could greatly benefit from this challenge. I will complete each task and provide you the necessary feedback. I have eight weeks before team golf practices start in August. And in that amount of time I could really jump start my collegiate golf career. Please consider me for the experiment, I won't let you down.
Heather, Handicap 6, Age 18
6 Weeks Later, The Solution:
"My Abs and Low Back are Stronger than Ever so I Don't Have to Swing as Hard"
From: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
I've been having some hip-related issues that have significantly limited my golf game. Previously, if I had played golf I could not finish 18 holes due to the exhaustion in my hips and hip muscles. However, five weeks into this program I went out and played 18 easily and with very limited pain. The stretches really helped loosen up my hips and the strength program helped rebuild the muscles that previously fatigued surrounding my hips.
My favorite stretches were the 90/90 Hip Stretch, Golfer's Rotation and the Hip Flexor Stretch. These stretches really helped my golf game because I had increased flexibility from the daily repetitions but also doing them before I played helped my muscles warm up. Then the Hip Lateral Walks in the Fitness program also helped with the hip issue. Rebuilding the muscles that I have previously worn out has allowed me to return to the sport I love!
Overall just the general feeling of health I have gained from this program is really amazing. My abs and low back are stronger than ever so I don't have to swing as hard to still be able to get the results I need.
Also, after consistently working out I know what my body feels like and it is so much better than how it feels when I don't work out. I can go to sleep easier at night and sleep sounder. Plus, I don't crave the food that is bad for me. There is more motivation for me to eat healthy to really maximize the workouts.
My body responded very well to working out and that was a pleasant surprise. To stick with a program consistently really had its benefits in overall health and wellness that I was not expecting. Sleeping better was obviously a benefit and therefore that gave me more energy so I was more alert during the day.
I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to improve in overall fitness. If everyday fitness improves, then the golf game improves. If you want longer, more controlled drives and more distance control with your irons then this workout program is the way to go. With no pressure to swing hard due to your trust in your body's physical fitness then there is peace standing over the ball and therefore better results. I would be an idiot to not continue in a workout program after seeing the benefits of this one!
Heather, Handicap 6, Age 18
But, Can We Do This Program at Home? It's Not Going to Take Hours a Day, Is It?
This program is the perfect combination of both strength training, interval cardio training and nutrition. This customized program written by two of the foremost experts on fat loss and golf fitness will give you the body of your dreams and allow you to play the golf of your life.
With this program, you'll burst through your past fat loss plateaus. The reason for your success? Intensity. This isn't another one of those 60-minute cardio programs that turn you into a robot or a skinny-fat person. The Golf Fitness Program is more effective and more efficient. This is the program that is going to build you that coveted lean athletic body specifically to improve your golf performance.
You'll get maximum results in minimum time by increasing your intensity in your workouts. Forget about long, slow workouts. Who has time for that? Instead, with only three 40-minute sessions per week (that's just 2 hours total!), you'll burn fat, build muscle and sculpt your body to help you look great and play better on the course. Do you have a couple of hours per week to spare for a fantastic physique?
Here's What We Absolutely Know about Golf Performance Improvement
Golf Performance Fact 1- A lean, fit golfer will outperform a weak, out of shape, lethargic golfer in any round, in any competition, on any day and in every instance.
Golf Performance Fact 2 - You do not have to work out in the gym for greater than 1 hour on any day or at any time in order to maximize your results and achieve your dreams.
Golf Performance Fact 3 - If you want to maximize your metabolism, and get defined arms, abs, and legs, then you must include strength training in your fat loss workout. High intensity strength training with interval based short duration cardio helps protect your lean muscle mass, which you are almost certain to lose on traditional diet and exercise programs.
And, These Golfers Show you
100% Proof…
Meet JP. The Golf Problem:
Golf Fitness Challenge
Click Here For Full Story!
From: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
In order to improve my golf, I recently took some golf lessons. Guess what, they have modified part of my swing. However I know practice will most probably bring the results I am looking for. However my new and improve back swing has created back and side muscles pain, every time I play a round. I suppose at a certain age the body does not always follow the mind :-).
After reading the article on the trial, I saw the solution for my body to catch-up. I can assure you that I will be very motivated to test the training. The once a week golf requires an healthy body and you can count on me to follow the instruction you will provide me. I will be very happy to keep you informed and provide you with the feedback you are looking for.
Golf season is short in Canada and therefore I am anxious to get going. Looking forward to hearing from you.
JP, Handicap 12, Age 59
6 Weeks Later, The Solution:
"I Can Definitely Confirm that I Make a Better Shoulder Turn Resulting in an Increase in Drive Distance"
From: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
I can definitely confirm that I make a better turn which as resulted in an increase in my driving distance (avg. 7 to 10 yards). I also feel less tired at the end of a round resulting in less mishits and more consistency overall.
Overall better resistance and flexibility. My legs are less tired at the end and I can maintain my rhythm. I also have less back pressure or pain (when putting) and seem to be recuperating faster from the efforts.
I seem to be better performing If I increase my warm-up period and if I take practice swings before each shot. I was not doing this before.
Maintaining your body in good condition is the only way to maintain your performance. Very little time is required and after a while it becomes part of your daily routine. If you love golf like I do you, you do not get satisfaction when your performance starts to decrease. One way to maintain and even improve is definitely to maintain your body in good working condition.
JP, Handicap 12, Age 59
Meet Stephen. The Golf Problem:
From: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
I will be 59 this summer. My handicap as of today is 21. I want to be part of this experiment because I am ready to play the best golf of my life. You can see from the pictures below that I have already made the commitment to my body. I have lost 50 lbs and have kept it off for a full year. My plan is to continue my commitment for the rest of my life and as a by product, improve my game. My goal is a single digit handicap.
Stephen, Handicap 21, Age 59
6 Weeks Later, The Solution:
"I Have Been Striking the Ball More Crisply...with Greater Flexibility in My Hips..."
From: xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.com
Sent: August 13, 2008 9:54 AM
To: info@golffitnesschallenge.com
Subject: golf fitness challenge
I found my core strength improved. This was evident in my increased ability to stay stable in my lower body during the backswing and the initial transition move. I have been striking the ball more crisply.
I have experienced greater flexibility in my hip pelvis region. I am hitting the ball higher than I have in quite some time.
Thank you for including me in your program.
Stephen, Handicap 21, Age 59
Or How About this Remarkable Result...
Click Here to Download the Complete
Golf Fitness Challenge System!
Here's What You Can Expect if You Join the
Golf Fitness Challenge Today...
A 6 Week Golf Fitness and Nutrition Program Designed to Increase your Drive Distance, Reduce your
Handicap and Get You in the BEST Shape of your Life...
Identifies the top reasons why you are not improving and what to do about it ...
Reveals a special nutrition and energy management program that will leave you feeling more alive and excited about golf (and life) ...
Teaches you the "Power of Change" and shows you exactly how you will quickly get results using these proven methods ...
Provides you with a specific cardio plan that has been scientifically proven to burn the greatest amount of fat in the quickest period of time - and it's not what you might be thinking!
Reveal a progressive and precise golf exercise plan that will have you feeling passion and intensity for exercise unlike anything you've ever felt before ...
Provides a no-nonsense plan to get even the most advanced fitness enthusiasts to a level they have only dreamed of ...
Will help you see immediate improvement for your game by knowing exactly which stretches and exercises are best for your game ...
Teach you how to have more energy, feel more productive, more fit, and have less stress than you've ever had before ...
Reveals the real meaning of the term metabolism, and how to change yours so that you are burning more calories per pound of body weight and unit of exercise than you were before ...
The most effective way to exercise to reap the most benefits per minute or unit of effort… not all exercise is the same, regardless of the published calorie burn-rate associated with it ...
I Definitely Want to Try the
Golf Fitness Challenge System!
But, We Didn't Stop There! We Turned to Well Respected Golf and Fitness Experts for Their Opinion...
"I encourage all my students to use
the exercises and stretches in this program so they can maximize their ability to play better golf"
"This program is a proven way to melt fat fast, while protecting your hard-earned muscle. I'm so confident in its effectiveness that, over the years, I've recommended it to literally millions of readers. And the fantastic feedback I've received from guys all over the world as a result ensures you'll be seeing a lot more of CB's programs in the magazine."
Adam Campbell, MS, CSCS,
Sports and Nutrition Editor, Men's Health
"Men's Fitness readers want to build size and strength, improve their sports skills, and lose their guts - and usually all at once! Craig Ballantyne is absolutely adept at all these things, and that's why I regularly ask him to contribute to the magazine.
His programs are widely regarded as the best methods for fat loss, and I recommend them to readers constantly. In addition to being one of the most knowledgeable and up-to-date trainers in the world, Craig's friendly, outgoing personality puts his clients at ease and encourages quicker results."
Sean Hyson,
Fitness Editor, Men's Fitness, Men's Health
"I encourage all my students to use the exercises and stretches in this program so they can maximize their ability to play better golf.
I also vouch for Susan Hill and her programs that deliver the most cutting edge routines and programs that maintain a standard of excellence for the industry."
Steven Gamblin, Golf Instructor
Tristan Golf Club
No reason to feel trapped with yet another program that just doesn't work. We sincerely want you to feel good about your investment and your results.
Try the Golf Fitness Challenge Program For 8 Full Weeks With A No-Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee!
"Test Drive" the Golf Fitness Challenge workouts for the next 8 weeks with absolutely no risk so you can see for yourself how much you can improve your body and your game. You are completely protected by our iron clad 100% money back guarantee.
You will not only be satisfied, we guarantee you will be thrilled and amazed with our golf fitness program, or you can simply email me and ask for a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.
In fact, if you're not completely happy for any reason at all, then we insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing so many golfers transform their bodies while saving their games (and their precious time as well), we're totally confident that you're going to love these workouts too and you'll start seeing the best results of your life.
Susan and Craig
Golf Fitness Challenge
Time to Get Started!
WAIT! You’ll Never Believe EVERYTHING Included in this
"One-Of-A-Kind" Package
We are absolutely certain that you will be 100% satisfied with your purchase. Even so, we have put together a powerful BONUS package of additional programs.
ORDER TODAY and you'll also receive the following:
Exclusive Audio Plus Written Interviews with Golf Experts
I recorded over 5 hours of interviews with top professionals including an LPGA player, Doctor of Physical Therapy on injury management, two high level golf instructors and a nutritional expert.
Yours FREE! Not sold anywhere else on the internet.
BRAND NEW: The Ab Advantage
Want to find out what it takes to get rock hard abs and a solid core. This 61 page report gives photos and exercise descriptions for our favorite top 45 ab exercises INCLUDING our 10 favorite ab circuits.
This is easily a product on its own. Yours FREE! Not sold anywhere else on the internet.
15 Minute Exclusive Golf Fitness Workouts
If you are a serious golf competitor regardless of level, available time is undoubtedly an ongoing issue and concern.
Enjoy these great quality golf specific fitness programs designed to give you a complete workout in a minimal amount of time.
Yours FREE! Not sold anywhere else on the internet.
30 Day Free Trial Membership
Valued at $99. You get a sneak peak at the web’s top golf fitness internet site for a 30 day review.
Learn all the secrets of the pros within the walls of this golf fitness haven.
Your Most Burning Questions Answered
- Part 1 and 2
For 5 years I have collected the most common questions asked by golfers of all ages and abilities. Now, you have complete access to all the answers! Over 35 pages of questions and answers just for you.
Special Report:
5 of the Most Common Mental Faults and Fixes
No game is complete without addressing the mental aspects. Find out the five common mental faults and specific fixes to get your game back on track.
Learn how to let go of mechanical thoughts on the course, the importance of the tempo of your practice swing or putt and how to manage challenges on the course for more consistent play.
Now, Are You Ready to Take the
Golf Fitness Challenge!
Click Image For Full Story!

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