And how you can also use that system to your advantage and change your whole body composition in just one week.
Click Image For Full Story!

Dear Reader,
I know you've tried hundreds of diets and products in the past. Who hasn't?
Disregard all those past failures and focus on right now. Focus on what I'm about to tell you very cautiously. Imagine I could show you a way that in just 7 days time you'd see outcome in your own mirror.
Sound a little too good to be true....
Because I'm sure you've heard it all before right?
Diet Pills & Supplements, Low Carb, No Carb, Low Calorie, Low Fat, the list goes on and on and on.
But the fact of the matter is while all these things CAN and DO sometimes work, they're usually the wrong approach and I'm about to show you why. Afterwards I'll show you how you can see results in just 7 days.
Low Carb Diets Don't Burn Fat
Who hasn't heard of a low carb diet? Over the past few years we've been inundated with hundreds of fad low carb diets..
It seems like everyone had an Uncle Jim or Aunt Suzie who showed up at the last family gathering both looking great. Uncle Jim & Aunt Suzie explained they were on a "low carb" diet and had lost an insane amount of weight!
You left the family gathering thinking they both looked great so you began to consider a "low carb diet."
Needless to say, the story is the same for nearly everyone who had an Uncle Jim or Aunt Suzie.
At the next family gathering they arrived bigger and fatter than ever.
As you watched them tear into a plate of pasta you quickly realized that low carb diets may not be all they're cracked up to be.
Low Carb Diets don't burn fat.
Losing Weight is Almost Next To Impossible When
on a Low-Calorie Diet.
Sometimes my wife says to lose weight she would just starve herself.
And to many, that theory seems to make sense!
If you're overweight and currently eating 2000-3000 calories a day it would seem that by cutting back to a thousand calories a day you'll easily start burning surplus body fat.
"Hold your horses"...
Sadly that type of thinking is harshly flawed. In fact, think of your body like a computer system. What you're trying to do is essentially fool the system. Your body and metabolism (the system) have adapted to the system resources - 2000-3000 calories per day - by suddenly depriving the system your metabolism kicks in and will begin to compensate for the malfunction.
And that's precisely the problem. Your metabolism now believes something is wrong with it's programming and rightfully so!
The last thing your body is going to do in this state of affairs is start burning it's survival resources!!
This is exactly why most people fail at diets!
Nearly everyone believes that those extra surplus pounds can be shed by simply eating less....Not true.
Low Fat Foods Don't Contribute to Weight Loss Either...
So we've tried low-carb, we've tried to fool the system with low calorie and now we're attempting another clutch at the straw.
"If I can't lose weight by cutting my food intake, I might as well continue to eat the same foods but opt for the "low fat" version of them!"
This is the approach that's swept the nations and filled our grocery store with "low fat" foods.
Here's the sad truth...
This is making some people even fatter. It's true.
We've been lead to think that fat is the enemy and that at any and all costs we must avoid fat like the infection.
And correctly so, the food manufactures, grocery stores and marketing companies have played the game with no embarrassment.
Can you blame them?
But the fact of the matter is, you're overweight because you're eating the wrong foods at the wrong times.
Furthermore, you're following the wrong diets and constantly being led like a donkey chasing a carrot.
The diet & weight loss industry thrives on you because they know you'll never get the carrot.
But today you can....
What Exactly Does it mean to Eat Balanced Lose Weight?
A statement so basic yet so BOLD. It's basic because it goes against everything you've ever learned about losing weight and yet it makes sense instantly.
Imagine knowing --while millions are still chasing the carrot -- exactly what to eat, at what times and how much! Imagine learning that some simple changes could change your body in just 1 weeks time. Imagine these changes could allow you to become as thin and as fit as you've always dream.
What would you give to be in that room?
I'm sure many of you would give a lot to be in that room. In fact I'm pretty confident we'd need a room big enough to hold millions of people.
Today however is your lucky day. We're going to open the doors to that room for you and we've got plenty of room!
The thing is, losing weight and burning fat doesn't need to be complicated. It really has nothing to do with any of the diets we've talked about and/or how much you excessive. It is however a mixture of doing the right things at the right times to gain the desired outcome.
As I'll show you in just a second....
Food Is Not The Enemy
Naturally this statement comes as a shock to many.
As we already discussed above the growth of "low-fat" & "low-calorie" foods have all but dominated our Grocery Stores so to many of us this looks and seems like "proof" that low-fat foods are an essential ingredient to burning fat.
All of this came as a shock to me too! I had assumed the wrong foods were the enemy and I'd starve myself silly if it meant terminating fat.
But I soon learned that proper weight loss and especially the shedding of those unwanted pounds of fat came down to eating the proper foods, the right amounts of them and at the right times...
The pounds really started to shed off when I started eating MORE food.
No more starving myself, no more low-fat calorie deficient foods. I was eating 5 meals a day and in less than a week I started to see results. The same can happen for you. In just 7 days you'll feel better and more importantly you'll be thinner in the mirror.
Remember what I mentioned when you first started reading this letter?
Let me remind you, I said "I'm sure you've heard it all before!"
And it's true.
Flip through a copy of your favorite Men's or Women's Health & Fitness magazine and you'll be inundated with advertisements for hundreds of products that promise to burn the pounds while you're sleeping.
Sadly most of these products will only burn one thing... a hole in your wallet.
But I can show you a way today to turn your life around once and for all and burn all the bad fat off your body without starving yourself. No more monthly delivery of pills and supplements and no more frozen food deliveries of bland calorie-deficient meals.
The Eat Balanced Lose Weight System will show you how to burn fat at your discretion. I believe it's the best possible way, too. With minimal risk and phenomenal results...that you'll both see and feel in only 7 days.
Let me explain just a little bit more.
Lose Weight The Natural Way
And See Results In Just 7 Days
Click Image For Full Story!

Remember we talked about Aunt Suzie and Uncle Jim a little while earlier?
What happened to Jim & Suzie? Let me remind you... At first, the diets seems to be working but then shortly later Jim & Suzie had both grown BIGGER than EVER. You see, some of the diets, scratch that, MOST of these diets actually contribute to people gaining weight in the long run.
With the wrong choice, you could end up like Aunt Suzie or Uncle Jim in just 6 short months. Don't let it happen.
And make no mistake, Jim & Suzie quickly become the type that need the extra seat on the airplane or the extra wide seats at the ball game. How embarrassing we've let ourselves become!
But who do we blame for this mess?
It's hard to justify where to point the finger because nobody's really sure who to blame.
Do we blame the food manufacturers?
Do we blame ourselves?
Here's the answer.
We stop placing blame and we do something about it.
Placing blame is merely a stall tactic. The fact of the matter is you're HERE, in this position, and we need to get you out.
And to do that, today you must an all-too-important decision.
Look, chances are you didn't end up on the page by mistake. And chances are, it's almost a little embarrassing to be here, if not downright horrible.
And that's OK, we get it.
But we realize you're at a point of urgency, perhaps even desperation.
And by taking the chance today, you've got options.
Take a look at this...
The Little "Diet" Secret That
All The Other Diet's Forget To Mention
Yeah it's true. There is something so profoundly important that's all too often left out of the mainstream fad diets.
On the other hand, most of these diets promise a lot of similar things like...
Lose weight instantly
Lose weight by removing entire food groups from your diet (such as carb's)
Zero Flexibility (it must be done in this way or it won't work)
Promises results with no work ( when was the last time anything good in life came without a little work)
Dependant on pulls or other products which may be harmful to your health.
Lake of scientific proof that backs up why it works.
Sounds familiar right? That's because most "fad" diets fall into these categories. They rely of drastic changes and drastic measures that are almost damn near impossible.
However, there exists a little diet secret that allows you to say goodbye to fad diets forever.
But before I let you in on the secret, I've got a little bit more to tell you.
Think of all the fad diets and products you've tried in the past. They all promised a lifetime of problems solved instantly by simply popping a pill or just plan stopping to eat a kind of food.
There are even diets that say you should only eat certain colored foods on certain days and certain times. How utterly ridiculous. And it's no wonder people jump from diet to diet. It's no wonder that each time I stop at my local book store there's a new "fad diet" on the top-seller list.
But the fact of the matter is, none of these fads are sustainable. Sure anything can be done for a little while and sometimes we'll see results but in the end we lose.
But would if I told you the SECRET to terminating fat forever had nothing to do with cutting out certain types of foods or starving yourself or eating only green foods on Monday's and Orange Foods on Tuesdays.
Balance Is The Secret To Losing Weight and Burning Fat
To lose weight once and for all, your body requires the proper balance.
That's really all there is to eat and yet it's something nearly every "fad diet" neglects to mention.
Think of your body like a robot or even better let's say the Terminator....(the famous film from the 90's with the current Governor of California!) The Terminator was a sophisticated piece of machinery made up of top-notch computer programming and wired in such a way it performed flawlessly.
The terminator did not make mistakes nor could you fool the computer.
The body is no different.
Our programming is extremely powerful. Did you know that the human brain has more individual cells (neurons) than there are stars in the sky. Think about that for a moment. Yet our computers aren't flawless. We make mistakes and we experience internal errors.
But one thing remains constant.
You can't internally fool the system.
We can't fool our bodies into losing weight. We can't trick our bodies into burning fat. We can only do what's required to optimize our bodies.
When we properly optimize and tune the body, we'll begin to burn fat even while we're sleeping. Do you think your body likes lugging around an extra 50-70 pounds? No way. It's not natural and the body is merely working to adapt to some poor programming.
Think of it like this. The computer had a virus and was acting funny (getting fatter) by removing the virus the computer turns itself around and begins to act in an optimal manner.
Can you guess what the optimal manner is?
The optimal system runs by burning fat and keeping you healthy. This is key. The body wants only enough fat in its storage or reserves to keep the system running perfectly.
Our bodies have become virus ridden like a poor old computer. We've become bloated with spy ware. Our systems are in a state of malfunction.
Allow Me to Introduce Myself
My name is Chris Jones
"The body can metabolize and absorb Vitamin B12 fives more from meat compared to its pill form. It is a rich source of iron which is needed to carry precious oxygen the organs and muscles and for proper neural function... "
Such a statement as the one above might bore you to death...
But they fascinate me.
I've developed this program out of a need or rather a necessity to teach people the proper ways to burn fat while optimizing our bodies to run as efficiently as possible. The means we live longer and healthier lives.
The system is so easy, so profound, so mind boggling silly, and it works..
How well can this work?
Real Life Results
The Diet That Works Without Dieting
I'm going to be honest with you. Every weekend I go out for a really nice Dinner at my favorite restaurant. You're probably thinking I order some small salad with a light oil & vinegar dressing right?
I order a 10 oz spicy burger made of ground beef topped with cheddar cheese, jalapeno peppers, bacon, mayonnaise and mushrooms. I then order a large plate of sweet potato fries which I dunk in a cajun flavored mayonnaise.
This is the truth.
But before you get too excited, don't think I'm going to tell you this is the diet where you eat burgers every day because it's not. In fact, this isn't even a diet. It's more of a way of life that will allow you to burn unwanted fat at ease if implemented properly.
The reason I can eat this way on Friday nights is because I eat balanced all week long.
I don't sway from my balanced diet at all until Friday nights. At this point, every week I treat myself to my favorite restaurant and my favorite food.
Studies have shown that by scheduling a "cheat" night you're less likely to "lose" it. Those same studies have shown that for those who attempt to follow a strict fad diet that doesn't allow room for indulgence, we're more prone to lose it and fall completely off the wagon. This makes it almost damn near impossible to get back on.
But for me, I know that Friday nights are "my" night. And I know that Saturday morning I'm back to following my balanced diet.
Pretty amazing right?
Strict Rules That Help
Ensure Your Success
I've already proved that my system can work for you allowing you to lose extra poimds faster than ever. But there are four very simple (but strict) rules that must be followed to ensure your success. And, just as much, to make sure you don't just temporarily get rid of unwanted fat, you remove it for good.
Rule No. 1: Balanced Diet
As I said earlier, the #1 secret is eating a balanced diet..
Rule No. 2: Calories Do Matter
Even though we've already concluded that "fad" diets which suggest a calorie deficiency are usually disastrous, we still need to keep a proper watch on our caloric intake.
You need to understand calories and exactly why they matter and how you can manage them.
Rule No. 3: Set High Goals
If you're goals are to burn a few pounds this year but continually eat foods that only just multiple our current problem, this program isn't for you.
We want people who've decided to set high goals. Reach for the stars! My goal was to drop 30 pounds of pure body fat. Set a goal that's both realistic and extravagant! Write it down and tell people your goals.
We're more inclined to get things done is we publicly state our goals and aspirations.
And finally...
Rule No. 4: Use The KISS Strategy (Keep It Simple Stupid!)
This is my favorite part of the four rules
Dieting doesn't have to be difficult and has I've shown you above, I spend Friday nights eating my favorite meal at my favorite restaurant. I don't carry around notepads for tracking my calories because I understand calories and I know how to to read the labels on the foods at the grocery store. After you purchase Eat Balanced Lose Weight, it doesn't matter how many times you've tried and failed at losing weight.
We'll be walking you through this every step of the way.
First, we'll explain exactly how the body works and the reasons many of us have ended up in this situation. And we'll do this in terms you can actually understand.
Next we'll explain EXACTLY the steps you need to take TODAY. But again, you'll be able to understand this information in literally minutes. We'll be holding your hand the whole way.
Finally, you put the plan into action. Sometimes they say that "action" is the hardest part but yields the biggest returns. Many purchase "fad diets" but struggle because of the endless supply of odd ingredients we need from the grocery store.
We'll have you moving along in no time with proper food choices. You'll understand the implications of these foods and the exact result they are having on your body. All this and more in the next few minutes.
It's that simple.
You'll also get started with the easy-to-follow starter guide we send to every new member of our little circle, "Shape Your Body For A Better Life"
It lays out the plan for you in plain easy to understand terms. And then you're up and running, ready for your Eat Balanced Lose Weight Reports
There's only one thing I'll ask from you in return.
And that's that you'll let me know if you're ready to to these changes today. Because right now, I believe there's never been a better and more important time in your life to make these critical changes... Even one day of delay or procrastination is too long... No more delays.....
So let's run through this just one more time...
What You'll Get
When You Join Us. . .
Our goal is to see the information we're providing actually make a difference in people's lives but we also want to do things in a way where we don't lose that "personal" touch when people begin to struggle. So we've had to place a limit on how many copies of Eat Balanced Lose Weight we can sell.
We're allowing only the next 1000 people we hear from a chance to get the information right here and right now. We may open this up later on but for now, the limit stands.
If you order in time to get in, the first thing you'll receive is our Shape Your Body for a Better Life Report.
This is your thorough primer on Eat Balanced Lose Weight.
It immediately gives you everything you need to know about the system and how it works. All in simple steps and plain language. You'll find it a clear, easy read. With answers to every question you might have about how this works.
You'll also automatically receive access to the Eat Balanced Lose Weight Report. This is the special report which make up the bulk of Eat Balanced Lose Weight Program. This is the heart of the material which will change your life. The report is extremely easy to follow and understand that you'll both feel and see results in just 7 days. We guarantee it.
All you have to do is be one of the first 1000 people to order before we stop selling Eat Balanced Lose Weight, maybe forever.
There's one more thing.
Once a month, we'll be sending you an email with more tips for you to implement as well as recipes, success stories and other pertinent information practically guaranteeing your continued success.
So after reading this long letter I'm sure you've already made the right decision. Today is the day you turn your life around. You say "bye" to fad diets, pills and other false promises, and you make yourself a promise that this is the last weight loss product you'll ever buy!
How much should information this valuable cost you?
How much would such information be worth?
Look at what a few recent people have had to say about Eat Balanced Lose Weight!
"I just started following your suggestions and within 2 weeks I'm really noticing a difference! This is very exciting stuff... I really appreciate everything that has gone into creating this package!
-- Steve L.
"At first I was like... There is no way this could work and then suddenly like magic I literally began to get thinner...I've finally been able to shed those last 15 extra pounds!
-- Jessica Wilson.
"Purchased Eat Balanced Lose Weight back in September, 2008. At first, I was extremely skeptical. After actually trying what you suggested I've dropped over 50 pounds and it was all fat. Amazing..... I've attched both before and after shots. These were taken literally 4 months apart....
I've still got a ways to go but as you can see... By simply eating balanced I've dropped a ton (YES A TON!) of extra weight...."
--Terrance Herbert
(Terrance Before...)
(Terrance Now! Still kickin butt!)
"I owe you BIG TIME! This was the type of advice I've secretly been looking for! No more diet pills! You wouldn't believe how many different pills and things I've tried with no success. All it took was following a few simple rules! Bloody Brilliant!
-- Sara
Can You Put A Price On Such Information?
Many people who've purchased Eat Balanced Lose Weight have told us that if they had to do it again, the price was irrelevant.
But Eat Balanced Lose Weight won't cost you an arm and a leg.
If you're one of the first people to order Eat Balanced Lose Weight, we're going to provide this information for $37.00. That's it. A drop in the bucket for a lifetime of health and happiness.
And of course, everything you get when you accept our offer is protected by my publisher's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee:
Try Eat Balanced Lose Weight Diet with no risk for the next 60 days.
If you're not happy for any reason, just tell our retailer Clickbank and they will immediately send you a full refund. Every single penny. No questions asked.
You'll keep everything we provide.
So now there's only one thing left.... Are you prepared to make the right decision?

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