My name is Helgi and I am so excited to share with you my proven weight loss system that has helped my clients lose as much 44 lbs… The right way!
In this book I reveal my SECRETS on how you can lose weight and get the great body you have always wanted.
I have worked with clients just like you for many years. And like you, they realize diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes are destroying many families and lives. Weight issues are becoming one of the most destructive health problems in society. The positive side is it is completely controllable and reversible.
Your 10 Ultimate Fat Loss Tips
These tips will help you achieving your goals.
But before we begin, I want to ask you a few questions:
How often have you started a diet but given up after feeling NO HOPE?
Have you ever started a training Program but given up because you didn't see the results you were looking for?
How many times have you tried to get rid of stubborn belly fat and get the ripped abs that you have always wanted, but given up before reaching your goal?
Aren't you tired of given up on yourself time after time when you have so much motivation to get that great body at the start only to end up disappointed and frustrated? Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Your Ultimate Fat Loss System!
I know there are a lot of YES answers to these questions, and it is difficult to reach your goals when you quit. It doesn’t seem to matter what program you are on if you always give up. This is exactly our biggest problem: we normally give up too easily.
It is not a good feeling to give up and fall short of our goals. Every time this happens, our confidence shrinks and it becomes more and more difficult to start again (that is, if you start again).
What about you?
Are you unhappy with your excess weight, which you have tried to get rid of many times but always end up giving up? Have you tried all the best training programs that are supposed to help you lose that stubborn belly fat, and spent countless hours in the gym without anything to show for it? Have you tried countless diets but nothing has worked? Are you tired of giving in to the temptations that seem to surround you? I know how you feel because I have been through all of this.
But how would you feel if I told you that I could give you a solution that will help you stick to your goals (whether it is to get a “six-pack”, get rid of the “thunder-thighs”, or stay at the weight that you are happy with). What would you say if I could give you the answers to why people give up and don’t reach their goals?
These questions were the reasons why I started researching ways to succeed and live a healthy life. And now, I have the answer.
Do you want to know the answer?
The answer has little to do with diets or training programs (those things are important, but they are not the reason why we quit). The answer lies in the things and aspects of our environment that control us. It is the stimulation from different sources, for example, how advertising agents can direct us with various tricks or how social circumstances affect what we eat. It is also that we forget to set goals. (I am not going to give you all the answers now, I have to leave some for when you start the program). However, if you are aware of these things, it will be much easier for you to succeed and get into the shape that you have always dreams about. To help explain what I am talking about, let’s look at an example: small image of Your Ultimate Fat Loss System e-book Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Your Ultimate Fat Loss System!
You are walking through a mall and all of a sudden you smell your favorite food, let’s say it’s a tasty pizza. At first glance there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with this picture. But pay attention, what happens is that you start thinking about how delicious the pizza is. You connect an old feeling of happiness to eating pizza and starting thinking about how good it would be to have a slice. You mouth starts to water (you have probably started thinking about the pizza and you mouth has already started to water) and your longing for the pizza increases. These thoughts and stimulation from the environment can lead you off-track and cause your to quit the program.
It might not happen this time, but when we are constantly finding ourselves in that situation (as in TV advertisements) the chances of us quitting increase, and we are particularly vulnerable to it when we are dieting. I have often heard people say that they cannot control themselves when they find themselves in those situations. These people say that they have no self-control but that is not true, people’s self-control is just not as strong from one person to the next. What you have to realize is that self-control is like a muscle; it gets tired under pressure and gives in when the pressure is too much. But the good thing is that you can exercise self-control and in this book I will give you the technique to do it (it is not very complicated).
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I have mostly been talking about things in our environment that can lead us astray and how important it is to be aware of them, but because this program is about loosing weight I have to mention nutrition and I am sure this question comes to mind.
I recently had the opportunity to review Helgi's book Your Ultimate Fat Loss System and I was blown away. It is not just a book on fat loss it is a system of getting healthy and achieving your fitness goals. You will walk away from this book with a degree in how to eat properly, exercise to get results, and a plan to be consistent. This is a top notch program!
Lee Taft
Helgi has taught me that intensity is not the key to all things, but that goals are achieved with the coordination of body and soul. I have learned that patience and rationality yield results in physical training, just as they do in so many other things in life.
Solny Grindavik, Iceland
Isn’t it the same as any other diet?
First of all, I don’t want to talk about this as a diet even though this book is about loosing weight. Neither is it a quick fix where you take on a 10-12 week challenge and then quit and go back to your old habits. This program will teach you how you can get rid of your bad habits and therefore live a healthier life.
I will give you a nutrition plan where I direct you to your ideal combination of food, because this isn’t a one-size-fits-all diet. The reason for it is that we are all of different shapes and sizes and therefore we respond differently to the food that we eat. As I mentioned before, I have tried almost everything myself, and in that process I finally found out that in order for me to feel at my best, I needed to increase my consumption of protein and fat.
Lost 20 lbs in 8 weeks Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Your Ultimate Fat Loss System!
A year and a half ago I was very tired of my physical shape; I felt I was too heavy and tired and figured it was about time I did something about it. Whereas I do not know much about exercise or nutrition I turned to Helgi who worked as a personal trainer in his own gym in Grindavik. He reviewed everything with me: went over my diet, adjusted my posture and kicked my butt in the gym, without pushing me too far, and that was exactly what I needed. And the results measured up. I have done everything he told me to do; I addressed my diet and eating habits and now I work out regularly, which I do with a smile on my face instead of the fear and nervousness that haunted me before.
Thorhildur Rut Einarsdottir (Totla)
Grindavik, Iceland
That is why I have put together different nutrition plans with varying combinations of carbohydrates, protein and fat, so that you will be able to find your optimal food combination and get the best results.
But that is not all…
You will also discover how important it is to listen to your body. I have learnt that we do not listen to our body after meals (or in general). The body is always trying to tell you something and in this program you will learn to listen to it. One of the most important things for you is to find your optimal food combination. The correct combination is important for your health. You will have more energy and therefore will be more willing to exercise (the lack of exercise is one of the reasons why we are gaining weight) and eat healthy foods.
Lost 18 lbs in 6 weeks and 44 lbs overall
Following the advices in this book has helped me loose 44 lbs. The biggest change that I had to make was to reduce my intake of carbohydrates and increase the intake of protein and fat, by only doing these simple changes the pounds started flying off.
Agust Ingolfsson
Grindavik, Iceland
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But how do I listen to my body, do I have to be psychic?
No, far from it. To explain how it works, I will give you am example. Let’s say that you eat a lot of carbohydrates at lunch. After the meal you start feeling a lack of energy (even though you had a lot of energy right after the meal), and you become annoyed and cranky. In most cases we don’t connect these feelings with the food that we eat, we just think it is normal, but in fact it has everything to do with the food. When you have found your optimal combination you don’t have to worry about your body responding like that, and you will feel good have lots of energy after every meal.
# DID YOU KNOW?Over the last 20-30 years food portions have increased significantly. And research shows that as the portions get bigger, the more we eat.
# A 5 percent energy balance per day can result in overweight and obesity. That 5 percent can lead to a 5 kg weight increase in one year. It is hard to keep track of it because 5 percent too many calories are only about one apple too much per day.
But why should I choose this program?
If you decide not to select this program, you are missing out on valuable advice, which you can use not only to lose weight but also in you day-to-day life. In addition, this program is one of the most comprehensive ones you can find; it covers the mental, nutritional, and physical aspects of losing weight. What you will learn is:
Techniques which enable you to continue when others give up
How important it is to set goals and always keep them in mind
To believe that you can achieve your goals
What factors in your environment you need to think about and be aware of in order to succeed
-A mental trick which allows you to resist temptations
-Information about how to find your optimal food combination
-Menus and meals with different combination
-Over 100 healthy meal ideas
-How to get rid of stubborn belly fat
-Which food supplements you need to burn fat
-Which food can increase fat burn
-How important it is to eat fat, not just to lose weight but for your health
But one thing is missing, what about the training program?
Too many people do it all wrong when their goal is to lose weight. How often have you seen someone standing in front of the mirror with way-too-light free weights doing too many reps because the person thinks that he/she is burning fat?
You will get a training program which increases your metabolism and turns on the fat-burning hormones in your body so that you will become a walking fat-burning machine.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Your Ultimate Fat Loss System!
The exercises in this training program are built on scientific research (just like everything else in this book), and what you will find out is:
How you can increase the fat burning up to 72 hours after your exercise
Which exercises are best suited for fat burning. That way you don’t have to spend your precious time on exercises that don’t give you the best results
How to adjust your exercises variables (sets, reps, tempo and rest) to get maximum results.
Why full-body weight lifting gives you the best fat-burning results
An interval system that suits your needs. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or seasoned athlete, you will find a program that fits
Why aerobic training isn’t the best way to lose weight or burn fat
Explanations and pictures of all the exercises that you are given
I am so confident that Your Ultimate Fat Loss System will help you reach your goals, that I am willing to give you your money back if you aren’t entirely satisfied!
For 60 days you can implement the strategies in Your Ultimate Fat Loss System to get the results that you have always wanted. If for any reason whatsoever in the next 60 DAYS you aren’t completely thrilled with the progress you have made toward your fat loss goals, then simply send me an e-mail, and I’ll send you a prompt, no questions asked, 100% refund.
But if Your Ultimate Fat Loss System helps you lose that excess weight, then I want you to e-mail me your success story about the results.
100 Percent Guarantee Seal Retail Price
Your Ultimate Fat Loss System eBook $69.00
Bonus #1: 12 Week Ultimate Fat Loss Workouts $59.90
Bonus #2: Your Ultimate Fat Loss Macronutrient Guide $29.00
Bonus #3: Smoothies for Athletes e-book $22.95
Bonus #4: 30 Minute Phone Consultation $99.00
Bonus #5: Lifetime updates Priceless
Bonus #6: Advanced Abdominal fat Burning Meal Plan $19.90
Total Value: $298.75
Your Price Only $39.90

Only $39.90
You eBook and bonuses will be available for immediate download (PDF format) after your payment has been approved.
Your Ultimate Fat Loss System Helgi Gudfinnsson
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