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Maybe it's you…or maybe it's someone you know. You've tried dieting, you've tried different exercise programs, and yet you are still struggling to lose weight.
As a doctor, I hear this from my patients all the time.
You follow a well-known diet and exercise plan to the "T". You keep a diet journal, follow a written exercise program and sometimes it's one of the top programs from the most well known authors in the industry.
You've tried dieting and exercise, but you still aren't losing weight.
It's frustrating. Not only for you, but for me as well. The last thing I want to hear from my patients is that they are doing everything right, but nothing is working for them.
But maybe it's not your diet and exercise program . . . maybe your body won't let you lose weight.
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If you have underlying issues stopping you from losing weight and you aren't aware of it, it's not your fault. Everyone says weight loss is about diet and exercise . . . diet and exercise . . . diet and exercise. It's time someone showed you the rest of the picture.
If you are having a hard time losing weight, it may not be your fault. When was the last time your doctor told you something like that? I'm guessing you've probably heard the same old thing, that the only way to lose weight is with diet and exercise.
I should know. I hear it all the time.
But what happens when diet and exercise doesn't work? Surely there must be another answer.
There is.
And all the answers are found right here. But before I tell you the answer, I should stop you for a second.
This information is not a quick-fix . . . it isn't for everyone.
In fact, it may not even be for you.
If you are interested in a quick-fix method to help you shed a few pounds, you might want to look somewhere else..
This information will not teach you the latest weight-loss gimmick, repackaged fat-loss routine, or "secret" to help you lose weight.
There are no secrets.
Nor am I going to tell you about some crazy new fat loss supplement because quite frankly, none of them work.
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Instead, this information is for the hard-working individuals who have tried losing weight, but have not been successful at it. Dedicated people who have put in good, solid efforts towards weight loss, but for some reason it just didn't work.
Who is this for?
This information is for people who are tired of hearing "You need to work out harder" or "You need to eat less calories" when you know deep down something else is stopping you from reaching your potential.
This information is for women who know something is "off" in their body, but have not found someone that can help them figure out what it is.
This information is for people who have tried different diets and exercise programs, and have had some success, but reached a point where they couldn't lose any more fat.
This information is for people who have diligently tried . . . I mean really tried . . . to lose weight, but can’t seem to lose weight no matter what they do.
"I now have a new perspective on body chemistry and weight loss . . ."
am a professional fitness competitor, trainer, nutritionist, and department head at a very large fitness club.
You would think that with all of that going for me, I would be a lean mean fighting machine every day.
Not so.
With thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances and food allergies, staying lean is very difficult for me.
The information Dr. Bryan Walsh taught me has given me a new perspective on my body chemistry and on weight loss.
I feel more energized than ever and am off of all but one of my prescriptions. Dr. Walsh is simply amazing and truly cares.
Stacy Wig, IFBB Fitness Competitor
Columbia, Maryland
This is for men and women who have tried everything else and don't know where else to look.
This is not for whiners or people looking for excuses. This is not for people who are overweight and are hoping for someone to give them something to point their finger at.
This is for people who are tired of being overweight and want to do something about it.
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If you are dedicated to learning as much as you can about your body and the underlying reasons you are not losing weight, you have come to the right place.
In fact you have come to the only place - you will not find this information in any book or on any other website.
I have spend years, countless hours, thousands of dollars and endless research putting this information together. There is truly no cap in how valuable this information can be to you.
In fact, some patients end up in tears when they learn this information because they have finally found the answer to why they have had such a hard time losing weight for so many years.
"Dr. Walsh has enlightened me as to how my body works, and what it needs and doesn’t need to function at peak performance . . ."
Dr. Bryan Walsh’s approach to health is not just a profession for him, but a true passion.
He is a walking testimonial to his own philosophy and has a way of explaining detailed and medical oriented jargon in an easy to understand fashion.
He is a true professional that was meant to be in the wellness industry.
I would HIGHLY recommend working with Dr. Walsh to anyone who is serious about bettering their health.
Elizabeth Zaprazny
Washington D.C.
Fat loss is not just about diet and exercise!
If fat loss was only about diet and exercise, there would not be a new diet book published every week. Nor would there be a new exercise gadget being sold on late night TV every night.
If your physiology is not set up to burn fat, diet and exercise is not going to help you lose weight - no matter what you do!
To be honest, most doctors, trainers and nutrition experts don’t even know the things I am going to tell you.
As a result:
Doctors suggest taking drugs.
Nutritionists ay tell you to try certain weight-loss supplements or to change your diet..
Personal trainers tell you to work out harder.
Dietitians may not believe that you are following your diet correctly and may suggest counseling.
But none of their recommendations will work unless you fix the underlying problem that's stopping you from losing weight!
I know it's not always willpower or lack of discipline that keeps people from losing weight.
I also know it's not about lack of effort that stops some people from achieving their goals.
That is why I want to help. I genuinely want to help YOU and the thousands of people who struggle to lose weight despite their best efforts.
I went into the medical profession to help people. I want to help you succeed in your weight loss goal by discovering the real reason you aren't able to lose weight!
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You shouldn't have to spend countless hours working out on the treadmill only to cringe every time you step on the scale.
You don't have to turn your face away every time you walk past a mirror.
If you learn the underlying problem that is keeping you from losing weight, you WILL succeed in your weight loss goal!
"I've worked with some of the best strength coaches in the world . . ."
I have been seeking help for about 3 years now as to why I am constantly bloated, why my cycle is not regular and why it is so challenging for me to loose fat when I work with some of the best strength coaches in the world.
After talking with Dr. Walsh and running a few tests he is now implementing a supplement protocol that will address my issues instead of masquing them with drugs only leaving them to get worse in the future.
Thanks to Dr. Walsh's knowledge and experience in dealing with hormonal balance and fat loss, I now I have confidence that the results I work so hard for are right around the corner.
Lauren Storey-Reid, Personal Trainer
Discover the Hidden Factors that Keep You from Burning Fat
The truth is, there are many factors why a person can't burn fat like someone else. Lack of weight loss success has to do with a person's physiology as much as it does diet and exercise - perhaps more so. This is why two people can follow the exact same diet and exercise program, but achieve completely different results. It has to do with their physiology.
This problem is far more common than people, and even most doctors, realize. If you've given your weight loss program your all, and haven't had success, chances are you have an underlying factor that is stopping you from losing weight.
If your internal physiology isn't set up for weight loss, you won't lose weight no matter what diet or exercise program you try!
The good news is you don’t have to suffer another minute trying to lose weight.
If you're looking for fad weight loss program that is going to transform your body overnight, forget it! Don't expect a quick weight loss secret or some "secret" diet that is so-called "guaranteed" to make you burn fat fast.
That's not what I'm offering and quite frankly, it wouldn't work because most fad diets and exercise programs are nothing but hype designed to get your money and waste your time.
What I'm offering you are the tools you need to discover why you aren't burning fat, despite your efforts. And this isn't a one-stop shop type of approach to your health and weight loss. There could be many variables working against you. I want you to discover what each of these physical factors are so you can finally find out what you need to do to help reverse the trend!
The information you'll get from me is based on science along with my personal clinical experience with patients. Based on your own unique situation, I'll help you discover exactly what is keeping you from losing weight.
Why am I doing this? I became a doctor to help people. But too often I see people doing things that go against their health.
No one is making you buy expensive weight loss drinks or exercise equipment, but there are many unscrupulous people who prey on people just like you, telling you what you want to hear and not giving you an ounce of valuable direction on how to actually lose weight.
It's Time to Take Control Again
It's up to you to take control of your life. No one else is going to do it for you. With the information contained in this program, you will be taking first step toward taking control of your life and your weight loss.
A healthy body is rarely ever over weight. If you are overweight and are having trouble losing it despite diet and exercise, chances are you have an underlying problem that may be standing in the way of your weight loss and your health. Don't wait a moment longer in finding out why.
The Fat Is Not Your Fault Complete
Program Package
Cheat Your Way Thin Package
Cheat Your Way Thin ProgramComponent 1: The Fat Is Not Your Fault Manual ($127 Value) – This covers the Top 10 Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight, including research showing how certain aspects of your physiology (i.e. toxins) will make weight loss difficult, if not impossible. Having an understanding of these 10 factors is the first step in helping you lose weight permanently.
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In my practice, I charge $350 per hour and to be honest, that will probably go up soon. The information contained in this manual would take well over an hour to discuss with a patient and is not available anywhere on the internet. This information alone will change the way you look at fat loss forever.
But that's just the beginning . . .
Component 2: Fat Loss Resistance Assessment Form ($37 Value) – This three page subjective assessment form is will help identify what systems in your body are sabotaging your ability to lose weight.
It also includes a graph to help you visually "see" which systems are causing you the biggest issues and which one's to prioritize towards achieving your fat loss goals.
Component 3: Questionnaire Audio Interpretation Guide ($47 Value) – In this audio, I walk you through step-by-step, each of the systems in the Fat Loss Resistance Assessment Form so you have a better understanding of what each of your scores mean for you.
strategies videoComponent 4: Diet, Exercise and Attitude Video ($37 Value) – The three most important components to any fat loss program are proper diet, exercise and attitude. Though there is far more to fat loss, if these three elements are not properly applied, weight loss will be next to impossible.
In this video, I cut to the chase and tell you the basics of what you need to do for an effective fat loss program. It is not about fancy diet programs, the latest exercise gadget or writing affirmations on your bathroom mirror. Learn the basic principles required for fat loss.
quick reference cardsComponent 5: Guide to Adrenal Fatigue Video ($47 Value) – Stress is easily the most damaging force we encounter today causing a number of health issues, including making weight loss next to impossible. In this video you will learn about the adrenal glands, how to most accurately evaluate their ability manage stress in your body, and strategies to help decrease the negative effects stress has on your ability to lose weight.
success journal
Component 6: Guide to Hypothyroidism Video ($47 Value) – Thyroid dysfunction is more common than most people (or doctors) realize and if your thyroid is not functioning properly, you will have a difficult time losing weight. Why? Your thyroid gland is the master metabolism in your body. If your thyroid is working slowly, so will you and your ability to lose weight.
Component 7: Guide to Male Hormones Video ($47 Value) – Men, you have unique needs with regard to your hormones. If you've had a loss of libido, are having a difficult time building muscle, or are suffering from fatigue or lack of motivation . . . you are not alone. But to really fix the problem, you need to do more than just taking the latest testosterone-boosting herb or going on hormone replacement therapy. This video will teach you the basics of what you need to know.
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Component 8: Guide to Female Hormones Video ($47 Value) – There is little that is more complex than a female's hormonal system. It is an intricate and delicately-balanced system that can have a number of imbalances whether you are 23 or 73. This video will help you learn the three things that all women need to do to help balance your hormones whether you are on hormone replacement therapy or want to do things naturally. I also teach you the best tests to get so you know what to ask your doctor.
Component 9: Guide to Neurotransmitters Video ($47 Value) – Neurotransmitter balance - the chemical messengers in your brain responsible for your mood, behavior and cravings - are the missing link in many weight-loss programs. In this video, you will learn the basics about four primary neurotransmitters, how they get out of balance and strategies you can take to help improve the balance of these important molecules.
Component 10: Guide to Toxicity Video ($47 Value) – We live in a toxic world and, as you'll learn in the Fat Is Not Your Fault manual, certain toxins have been linked to increased fat gain and the inability to lose weight. In this video, you will learn just how toxic we are and important daily activities you can do to help rid your body of unwanted toxins and improve your health, as well as your ability to lose weight.
Component 11: Guide to Gastrointestinal Health Video ($47 Value) – The gastrointestinal system is one of the most overlooked systems in the body, especially when it comes to weight loss. This video will teach you the basics of the gastrointestinal system and most importantly, how a dysfunctional gut will lead to numerous health problems throughout your body, most of which will make weight loss difficult, if not impossible.
Component 12: Guide to Cellular Health Video ($37 Value) – Last but not least, if the hundreds of trillions of cells in our body are not function properly at the deepest, most fundamental levels, health and weight loss will be a challenge. In this video you will learn basic biochemistry and which nutrients are critical for proper cellular function. It is taught in a very easy-to-understand way, showing you ways of improving function at the most basic level of your body - your cells.
Right now you have the opportunity to get all 12 components of this $614 package for only:
You might be asking why so low. Good question. I genuinely want to help people and want to make it available to as many people as possible, while still retaining the unprecedented value of the information.
With the Fat Is Not Your Fault program you get:
# The 60 page Fat Is Not Your Fault Manual
# The Fat Loss Resistance Assessment Form and Graph
# The Audio Interpretation Guide for the Assessment Form
# Over two and a half hours of video
There is a chance the price may be going up in the near future, but for the time being all of this is yours for this seriously low price.
Also, all of these are available for immediate download to your computer. There is no waiting for it to arrive in your mail.
The Definition of Insanity is to Keep Doing What You've Been Doing, But Expecting Different Results
If you would like to keep trying different diets or exercise programs to help you lose weight, be my guest.
At some point hopefully you will realize that there are no new diet programs out there and very few new fat loss exercise programs - they are all merely variations on a theme.
This program is different. Fat Is Not Your Fault will help you find the underlying issues stopping you from losing weight.
100% Money Back Guarantee
To be honest, you will not find information like this anywhere else in the world.
But if for some reason you are not satisfied, the program is free. That's right, you get a no-questions asked, 60-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
You have a full eight weeks to read the manual, take the assessment form, listen to the audio interpretation guide and watch all 2.5 hours of video. And if at the end, you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get a full refund, no questions asked.
It's completely risk-free. You have nothing to lose.
Yours in health and happiness,
Dr. Bryan P. Walsh
Naturopathic Physician
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P.S. I want to give you a huge discount today, but you are the one that has to decide to take action. Get the entire program, worth a total of $614, for the lowest price it will ever be offered.
P.P.S. Don't forget, you have a full 60 days to evaluate the information contained within this program. If for any reason you are dissatisfied, you can will get a full refund for 100% of the purchase price. Grab it RISK-FREE today.
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