Turn 10lbs of fat into 10lbs of ATTENTION grabbing toned muscle. These are ALL the SECRETS of the ripped man revealed to finally give you the body that turns heads on the beach and has people wanting to know how you did it!
Inside Secrets of The Ripped Man eBook you will find out how to…kalev

* Lose that stubborn belly fat once and for all.
* Get noticed when you walk into a room.
* Boost your self esteem and feel confident at the gym.
* Excel in every sport by following our exercise variation principles.
* Become a hottie magnet!
* Find time to get into the gym especially when you think it is impossible to do so.
* Sleep better and have more energy throughout your day.
* Know when it’s best to do your cardio and when it’s best to do strength training.
* Eat the right foods to build muscle and lose fat.
When these techniques are put together you will see that muffin top body fat disappear and those muscles begin to really show through your shirt.
* See clothes fit you better. This will be one of the most rewarding gifts you can ever give yourself. As you follow the strategies provided to you, you will see major changes in the way clothes hang on your body. It’s like someone gave you a whole new set of clothes!
* Eat more! Yes, in fact you will learn what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and best of all you will never be hungry!
* Lose fat permanently. This is not a fad diet or a plan that you can only follow for a few months. This is a manual which will allow you enjoy what you eat, exercise smart and be rid of the fat you’ve always wanted to get rid of.
* Get incredible muscle tone. There is an entire chapter devoted to muscle tone because you can get big but if you’re not toned, it just doesn’t show all the effort you’ve put into training!
* Attract more attention. A more ripped physique will not only get you noticed sexually, but also in any business relationship you encounter. You will get more RESPECT!
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Who are we and why should you listen to us?
There are a lot of health books out there which give ONE point of view and require strict diet plans and exhausting exercise regimes. The scary reality is that most of these so-called “health expert authors” lack university level education on biochemistry and human physiology. They are out to make a quick buck and even use ghost writers to write their entire books for them.
So how are we different?
* We both have university degrees in exercise sciences (Kinesiology).
* We both have been training for more than 10 years strong
* We both have had great success with many of our clients, friends, family.
* We both have discussed, researched heavily and debated over every topic in this book.
* We speak and breathe everything you will read in Secrets of the Ripped Man!
Kalev Jaaguste
* Has a diploma of Exercise Science (Australia Institute of Fitness)
* Is an executive Master Trainer (National College of Fitness)
* Has been a personal trainer for over 9 years
* Runs his own personal training company with a staff who offer a 3 dimensional approach to training (www.kalevtraining.com)
Sam Omidi
* kalev Has a background in human nutrition (UBC)
* Has a degree in Kinesiology (study of the human body and movement)
* Is certified as a personal trainer specialist with CanFit Pro
* Has been training in the gym for over 17 years
* Is a health and wellness coach
* Runs one of the most successful training and weight loss groups on Facebook with 5000+ members (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7151842077)
* Operates a highly talked about new health blog which is already getting over 40,500 monthly visitors (only launched 6 months ago - http://weightlossandtraining.com)
So how does ALL this experience benefit you?
To start, you don’t have to sort through all the media hype and find information that may not be helpful to you at all.
Unlike most health magazines and articles you read on the web we are not out to sell you some supplement or gimmicky diet plan.
The information we give you is honest and true advice we give to all our clients who succeed in achieving their training goals. Your success is our biggest reward!
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We take extreme pride in our eBook package and our goal is to help you build a strong foundation of wisdom when it comes to your training and nutrition. After reading Secrets of the Ripped Man you will no longer fall into the trap of buying unneccessary and harmful supplements that magazines and product companies want you to buy. Now you will know better!
What is so different about Secrets of the Ripped Man?
You’re very smart for asking this question and we think you’ll like this answer…We have taken all our knowledge, training experience, shortcuts & tricks and packaged it for you in one amazing bundle.
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Some may say there are no shortcuts and tricks but the reality is that as you read the eBook you will begin to discover that the secret to getting ripped is really about putting all the pieces together.
We give you all the pieces so you don’t have to waste time trying to figure it out, that’s the SHORTCUT!
Although we have an extensive background in exercise science and training the major revelation was achieved by working together! This really brought our collective knowledge to a much, much HIGHER level.
In essence, that is the major difference between Secrets of the Ripped Man and almost anything else you will encounter in the marketplace. This is information that we have heavily researched, debated, discussed, and reviewed with clients to make sure we provide you an ARMY of knowledge against your biggest concerns and frustrations when it comes to fat loss, muscle building and your overall health.
This is WAR against all the bull and your lack of success…if you follow our guidelines you WILL WIN! There is NO doubt. Period. You will learn how to get ripped and stay ripped.
So what do you get in the Secrets of the Ripped Man eBook?
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Chapter 1: You’ll agree that good skin makes your muscles look more attractive right? In the first chapter we look at ways to keep your skin youthful & free of wrinkles, but also to keep it looking so good you will have a definite boost in your attractiveness level. Stop wasting money on expensive men’s products and read this chapter, it’ll make THAT much difference in your confidence and will get you on your way to getting noticed in a very good way!
Chapter 2: You’ll be introduced to training techniques that increase your testosterone levels naturally and maximize the growth of your muscle. You’ll also get strategies on the most important part of making those muscles look sexy - the tone of your muscles. To show you that we’re listening to you through our blog, you will notice a special section devoted to you guys who avoid high impact activity because pain gets in your way.
Chapter 3: It’s funny because there is no way you can read this chapter and prevent yourself from continually adjusting your posture so you are sitting up straight. This one chapter will make a drastic change in how much you get noticed when you walk into a room, and best of all, it will also allow you to maximize your results when training at the gym.
Chapter 4: This chapter is all about your diet, absolutely one of the most important factors in allowing you to produce muscle quickly and efficiently. We’ll discuss spacing your meals so that you’re eating almost every 2 hours, but also in this chapter we give you details of exactly what you should be eating to grow big and strong. We have some very easy to follow advice so you don’t get confused like you do when you read all those magazines and muscle books.
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Chapter 5: We bring to light the importance of balance when it comes to your training. Who the heck can be perfect all the time right? Find out how to balance your: diet, exercise and flexibility training to maximize your results and still enjoy your life by being the healthiest you’ve ever been!
Chapter 6: In one of the most information rich chapters you will learn all the different variation styles of training. Variation keeps you from getting bored or getting stuck in plateaus and makes certain you attain your goals. We even give you insight into what celebrities like Chris Evans and Ryan Reynolds do to get the physiques they have. You’ll want to reference this chapter often so you never get bored with your workouts again.
Chapter 7: Time to really focus on getting RESULTS! You may be going to the gym and doing your own thing but never seeing the results you should be getting. Well this chapter will dramatically boost your results so you’re no longer that guy in the gym who is frustrated with his gains. You’ll learn what and how to measure to get you on the right track for getting ripped, as well as how to pick the right plan for you. Also you will discover the best way to prevent injuries when working out. So many guys get injured in the gym because they don’t follow these simple steps.
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Chapter 8: Traveling can throw a real wrench into your training schedule and cause a major set-back in your workout progress. But in this chapter you will learn ways to maintain your muscle growth no matter where you are! Find out how to make a solid plan that will keep your muscles so toned that you turn heads on the beach. Can you imagine how good this will feel?
“This book packs everything you need to know about getting ripped and delivers it with youthful appeal.”
-Adrian Burke (President, Fusion BodyBuilding - www.fusionbodybuilding.com)
“Secrets of the Ripped Man was exactly what I needed to grasp the return to fitness and holistic wellness I have been craving as my time got stretched to the max running a business and a new family. The commitment to my well-being is what keeps me improving every day, thanks guys!”
- Earl Ellingson (CEO, Elevate Me! Energy Bars - www.prosnack.com)
“Secrets of the Ripped Man is hands down the complete and unadulterated guide on how to become…RIPPED. I went from a flabby 208 pounds to a trim 188 pounds in six weeks, by following just ONE of the ideas in this eBook. Sam and Kalev definitely know what they’re talking about and if you’re serious about your health and fitness, buying this eBook is the biggest no-brainer ever.”
- Andy Mackensen (Managing Partner, h.u.m.a.n. Healthy Vending- www.healthyvending.com)
“At last a fitness book that is about far more than exercise! Secrets of the Ripped Man is packed full of easy tips to adopting a 360 degree view of health including; exercise, food, stress management, and lots more. Sam and Kalev show how you can integrate small changes in your lifestyle to make a big change in how you look and feel.”
- Wayne Hartrick (President, Reputations Corporation - www.reputations.com)
No Shipping Costs!
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Because Secrets of the Ripped Man is in electronic format (Adobe PDF), you will not only save on shipping costs but you will also have instance access to download the ebook right onto your computer! Some other great benefits include being able to use the links in the table of contents to jump to any section of the book, as well as using the search function to find something that you read about within seconds!
We wanted to make this offer even better:
You may have noticed that we have mentioned that what we want to offer you is not just a book but a whole package. To make Secrets of the Ripped Man an offer you can’t refuse we are going to include these bonuses worth over $239 to you at no cost:
Jump Start
BONUS 1: Jump Start Your Metabolism
This 40+ page mini-ebook will tell you all you need to know about jump starting your metabolism and get you burning fat calories at a maximum rate. (Value: $29)
Self Esteem Booster
BONUS 2: Self Esteem Booster 101
Get to understand yourself better and follow easy steps to boosting your self esteem. These strategies are incredibly powerful in building your self confidence and also allowing you to have a balanced life. (Value: $29)
Good Night's Rest
BONUS 3: The Secrets to a Good Night’s Rest
Rest and sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to muscle growth and fat loss. This 45+ page book will help you understand all the secrets to getting a good night’s rest. (Value: $29)
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BONUS 4: Your Food Score
Measure the score of the foods you eat. You might be surprised! (Value: $19)
BONUS 5: Muscle Foods You Should Be Eating
Read this list of foods you should always have stocked up in your home so you can help nourish your muscles with the nutrients they need to help them repair and grow. (Value: $19)
BONUS 6: Diet Log
Keeping a log of your diet is an incredibly powerful method to make a positive change in your eating habits. Do this at least once every month to see major changes in what you eat and how you treat your body. (Value: $19)
Hotel Room Workouts
BONUS 7: Hotel Room Workout Cheat Sheet
This is a one pager cheat sheet you can print out and take with you while you’re traveling. You’ll have a number of different exercises and workouts you can put together by mixing exercises from the different lists. (Value: $19)
Get Ripped Stability Ball Videos
BONUS 8:Get Ripped! Stability Ball Video Package
FORMAT: zipped m4v’s
This is an extra special bonus (view trailer below) that will help you get toned immediately - a package of 16 stability ball exercise videos edited for high quality playback on your ipod/iphone! (Value: $79)
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Because this is our first edition and we want to make sure you keep reaping the rewards of our package we want to offer you these special time limited bonuses. These Bonuses will be available until May 30, 2009 only:
Premium Updates to eBook. As we continue to grow our experience with our clients we want to supply that knowledge to you for a long time to come. So, we will be providing you with premium updates to this eBook. Some may say this is worth hundreds or even thousands, but it’s hard to put a value on this as you probably agree that experience is invaluable. This is a collective challenge and we are going to step up our game every year!
Free 1 Year Subscription to our Extreme Secrets of the Ripped Man Newsletter (valued at $228)! After May 30th, we will be charging $19/month for this newsletter, the information will be worth every penny as we answer your questions and provide more guidance for everything in our eBook package.
You have our 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee! We are so confident that this eBook package will make such a huge difference that we guarantee your complete satisfaction, no strings attached.
Try Secrets of the Ripped Man for a full 60 days and if you are unhappy in any way, simply email us for a full refund.
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You have absolutely nothing to lose but that stubborn fat that has been damaging your self confidence for years!
So What’s the Bottom Line? How Much Does This Complete Package Cost?
Let’s take a look at the complete package:
Secrets of the Ripped Man eBook (110+ pages) - Retail Value - $77
BONUS 1: Jump Start Your Metabolism. $29
BONUS 2: Self Esteem Booster 101 $29
BONUS 3: The Secrets to a Good Nights Rest. $29
BONUS 4: Your Food Score. $19
BONUS 5: Muscle Foods You Should Be Eating. $19
BONUS 6: Diet Log. $19
BONUS 7: Hotel Room Workout Cheat Sheet. $19
BONUS 8: Get Ripped! Stability Ball Video Package. $79
Premium Updates to eBook. $89
1 Year Subscription to our Extreme Secrets of the Ripped Man Newsletter $228 ($19/month)
That means a total worth much more than $636…that seems like quite a bit right? What if we told you that you could get the whole package for less than the price of just ONE personal trainer session? You don’t know how much personal trainer’s charge? Ask around and you’ll see that quality trainers are in the $60-90/hr range.
Since there are no printing costs for e-books, you can get this e-book for much less than it would cost if it were a hard copy manual - AND you get it instantly (no waiting for the snail mail!) Your investment in this life-changing e-book is now only $47! You get the 110+ page Secrets of the Ripped Man e-book, all 7 bonuses, the free 1 year subscription to the Extreme Newsletter, and updates - all for $47!
Once again, we are offering this to you with a 60 day 100% money back guarantee. We are honest guys and we have been incredibly truthful with you in our book. Take this on as your own personal challenge and follow the secrets to convert fat into pure solid muscle. Soon enough you will be turning heads on the beach and your investment in this package will be worth a world more than its price.
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More Testimonials
"Secrets of the Ripped Man really resonates with me because Sam and Kalev ‘walk the walk.’ They offer expert advice based on personal experience and have also done an amazing job distilling the most important information from the most respected sources in every facet of health and fitness. I’d have to read 10 wellness books and 2 years worth of health and fitness magazines to get the same knowledge packed into Secrets of the Ripped Man. "
- Nigel Malkin (President, Brand2Hand Media - www.brand2handmedia.com)
"Whether you want to take your training to the next level, or you are just getting started on your fitness routine, you need to read this book! The tips contained in these pages are invaluable for maximizing my time at the gym. I’m going to make the most out of my workouts now by learning from Kalev and Sam’s years of experience.”
- John Blown (CoFounder & Director, 6s Marketing- www.6smarketing.com)
"I’m an impatient guy. I need to see results fast or I get bored. These guys improved my workouts so much that I get done in a hour what used to take two, and I began to see changes in my body right away. Now I’m motivated to keep at it.”
- Ryan M. , Vancouver BC
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"Chapter after chapter all the points Kalev and Sam were making became clearer and clearer to me. When I put all the secrets together I made a major change in how I looked and felt about myself. Thank you guys for your motivation and helping me feel great as I approach a youthful 50!”
- David Goudge, Vancouver BC
kalevWe know you’re smart and already know there is no such thing as a quick fix in getting ripped. So it’s important you make the determination now that your key to success is remaining patient and following our guidelines. In only a few weeks you will see some very impressive results as your muscles start to increase in size and develop definition.
Week by week your efforts will make more sense as you learn to train smarter and eat healthier, ultimately causing your body to metabolize fat quicker and grow stronger & stronger.
Within just a few months you will feel confident taking your shirt off in public! This feeling will be incredibly euphoric and it will only get better! Anytime you sense anything going off track simply refer to your favourite parts of the e-book and bonuses and you will continue to be the healthiest you have ever been! We have no doubt in this statement and neither should you!
You deserve the best when it comes to educating yourself about health and training!
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kalevThe amount of real life training experience we have packed in Secrets of the Ripped Man is simply unprecedented. We’ll completely understand if it’s not the right fit for you, after all more than 90% of people want to get a quick fix thinking there is some magic pill that will get them ripped. The thing is we know you aren’t one to follow the crowd because you’ve read this far and that accounts for a lot!
You deserve the best when it comes to your education on health and training and if you want to be in the top 10% who make this final commitment to make a change, then make a positive decision and grab this package today. With our guarantee you have NOTHING TO LOSE.
Sincerely, Your Health Expert Friends,
Sam & Kalev

PS. Secrets of the Ripped Man is a complete package that will, without a doubt, provide you with results that will make you happy when you look in the mirror. In fact, it will make people around you treat you differently in a more positive light and allow you to attract other healthy people, so don’t put this off. Make a decision that will improve your life today! Right now! If you don’t decide to take the first step towards a better body, better health and a better you, then you’re deciding to keep looking and feeling the same as you’ve always been. Every journey begins with the first step.
PPS. Remember, with the “no questions asked” total refund guarantee, there’s no risk on your part. You have nothing to lose by at least trying Secrets of the Ripped Man, so click on the link below to order today!
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