Look Good Feel Great!
You’re lying on the beach feeling proud of your body. You walk proudly from your car to your spot on the beach knowing that members of the opposite sex are staring as you walk by. Maybe even some members of the same sex jealously glance in your direction and then roll over to face the other way. Never again will you feel embarrassed about the way you look.
Whenever you like, you can go to the shop and buy clothes straight off the rack.
When you walk into a store and have size 12 jeans fall off you it feels great, and this is what life can be like for you! Those dresses that you’ve promised yourself you would get back into one day and that have been hanging in your wardrobe for years can now be taken out, dusted off and put on… And you look great in them! Plus, you can finally go down to the ‘Salvos’ and generously give them all of your ‘fat clothes’ because you’ll never need them again. Follow Link and Read Full Story On our Official Website:
Look Good Feel Great!
Your partner has that ‘look’ in their eye just like when you first met.
Feeling desirable and sexy are normal human emotions and we all want to feel an intimate connection with another person. By losing weight, not only will you be more attractive physically, but with your new-found confidence and self-esteem, your true personality will be able to shine through making you irresistible to your partner!
Every day you feel energetic, vibrant and positive about life.
By using the strategies in ‘Look Good Feel Great’ not only will you lose weight but your body will also start functioning at optimum levels, making you feel more energetic, vibrant and positive about life and about your future. Imagine how different you will feel when you are playing with your kids at the park… And outlasting them!
Having the ability to help others achieve their own physical goals is a power you now possess. Now that you have gained the knowledge and paved the way, you can share your experiences with others and guide them on their journey of physical improvement and weight loss. It is an amazing feeling to have such a positive impact on the lives of others, setting a fine example and being a positive role model.
There is no better feeling than being proud of yourself for setting a goal and then taking the steps to achieve it.
Anything worthwhile in life requires effort and discipline. You have certainly shown that you have these admirable qualities and you should be proud of yourself for choosing a goal, making a plan for its achievement and then following through. Now it’s time to decide what else you want to achieve! Follow Link and Read Full Story On our Official Website:
Look Good Feel Great!
Can you imagine living this sort of lifestyle?
This may sound silly, but if you choose for one moment to open your mind and think, ‘Maybe this guy’s on to something here’, then you truly can get to this level. That’s if you’ll just follow my simple advice. I’m prepared to show you my step-by-step plan.
Why should you listen to me…
The health and fitness industry is my passion. I have dedicated my life to the study of the human body and how it responds to certain principles. I have an intense interest in the areas of body transformation (losing body fat and building muscle), increasing longevity (lifespan) and improving health and energy. Because of my interest in these areas I have spent countless hours studying the various aspects of exercise, nutrition, supplementation, goal-setting, psychology, lifestyle, physiology and anatomy.
I have a science degree from the University of Western Australia and I have been involved in the fitness industry for over 18 years. I have lectured for the Australian Institute of Fitness (AIF)- the largest personal training course provider in Australia and I present at fitness industry conventions (FILEX). I have also written articles for various fitness magazines including, Men's Health, Muscle & Fitness, Focus On, Women’s Health & Fitness, Perth Vita and Australian Musclemag.
I have also worked as a personal trainer, nutritionist, lifestyle consultant and gym manager and help bodybuilders and fitness competitors prepare for competitions.
One of my passions is helping everyday people achieve extraordinary results in very short periods of time. Currently, I am part-owner of a supplement company that manufacturers and distributes supplements around Australia. Plus, we have a health and lifestyle magazine called 'Focus On' that I write for. I have based my whole life around promoting the health and fitness lifestyle! Follow Link and Read Full Story On our Official Website:
Look Good Feel Great!
Despite having spent many hours learning, I am not a theory-based person. I consider myself to be reality-based because I am in the trenches getting my hands dirty trying all the new principles I learn. I use myself and my clients as the 'guinea pigs' and I have never failed to get results for anyone. My philosophy is: 'I will always find a way!'

Since I continue to spend many hours each week researching new information, I am happy to share it with my website members. There is a never-ending stream of new, interesting and useful information coming out on how to lose weight effectively and keep it off. My job is to sift through all of it and find the most relevant, effective and proven strategies to get people results fast!
Follow Link and Read Full Story On our Official Website:
Look Good Feel Great!
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