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The Weight Loss Miracle is a Revolutionary New Diet E-Book Created By Real Doctors For Their Patients!
Scientific Studies Show It Burns Off Fat At Lightning Speed... The Drug Companies Badly Want to Control It... But Only YOU Have The Capability to Make It Work Like Magic!
From the desk of: Dr. Ben Lerner
Imagine looking in the mirror, only 14 days from today, and seeing a totally different person!
…even if you eat more and exercise less.
Despite what you may have told… it’s absolutely 100% possible!
Here’s why:
Back in 1994 a remarkable discovery was made and it’s changing the world as we know it… even as you read every word on this page. Many people are calling it “a miracle.”
It has the weight loss industry and the drug companies up in arms, steaming mad, that they are not capitalizing on it. Now they’re scrambling to control it.
What Is The Miracle Hormone?
What happened was…
Back in 1994, Jeffrey Friedman, MD, PhD. and his colleagues at Rockefeller University discovered the hormone Leptin while studying massively obese mice.
Leptin is a hormone in your body that regulates your appetite by signaling to your brain to tell it if you are full or hungry.
The secret to leptin is that it also increases the amount of energy you burn in your body, especially muscle tissue (yes muscle burns lots of energy a.k.a. fat tissue) when leptin is found in iproper concentrations in your body.
Don’t get too excited yet, you can’t go popping leptin pills. They don’t exist. What’s more is there is one big problem with leptin when it is found in high concentrations in your body, but I’ll explain later.
The discovery of leptin has led to dozens upon dozens of other studies on leptin that show exactly how important the hormone leptin is to weight loss.
More specifically how leptin controls “fat loss” and other critical hormones in the body, all of which are important to fat loss.
After all, body fat is our #1 enemy, right?
In a nutshell, these studies pretty much proved that by controlling leptin you can lose massive quantities of fat without painful diets, backbreaking exercise or toxic drugs.
Fact is, by controlling this miracle hormone...
You Can Practically Burn Off Fat 24/7 As Easy As Turning On a Stove!
No diet pill or doctor can help you do that!
That's because unlike the pills and the "drug money funded studies" that many doctors base their advice on, this miracle hormone can only be effectively controlled by YOU!
Needless to say there are A LOT of unhappy people who are going to hate me for this, because they have tons of money to lose because of this information.
I don't really care though because, the truth must be told and you can't hide the truth for very long.
Forget about them, I want to see you become healthier, happier and able to live longer and do the things you love to do. That’s my passion!
we get ahead of ourselves, let's set the record straight on why, in my opinion, most people generally have a hard time losing weight.
Follow these 5 and over time you will lose weight and become healthier.
The 5 Reasons Why Most People Can’t Lose Weight...
Too much dieting! Yes, dieting can hurt your weight loss goal. This is not to say you should eat like a pig and then expect to lose weight. No, eating donuts and losing weight obviously does not work. BUT... traditional dieting is missing some critical pieces and you'll understand why later. I will tell you this though… Leptin is controlled by diet, BUT dieting the way you’ve been taught is dead wrong! As a rule of thumb, don’t restrict your diet too much.
Too much exercise! You're probably thinking, "what the heck kind of advice is that, did he lose his marbles?" But, hear me out. Exercise is meant to stimulate your health and weight loss, but most people exercise beyond their body's natural ability to recover and maintain healthy weight loss. Instead of stimulating their body, most people annihilate their body. Simply exercise less and recover faster.
They don't eat enough fat! Fat is a critical component in every cell in the human body. Without it, our cells cannot function efficiently. When you cut out too much fat from your diet, you will inevitably compromise how well you use and burn fat for energy. Not only that, but fat is critical to hormonal balance in your body. Cutting out too much fat tips the hormone balance and causes you to get fat! Eat more fat not less. Just don’t eat fried foods to get the fat in your diet!
Too little sleep! Oh yeah... staying up late makes you FAT! Sleep is the body's natural way to balance itself. It reduces stress hormones and heals the natural damage our body goes through in a day. In fact, Professor Cappuccio of the University of Warwick recently discovered that lack of sleep or rather short sleep times may lead to obesity. Lack of sleep produces a hormone called ghrelin, and it stimulates your appetite by lowering leptin. Not only that, but when you get less sleep you need more calories to stay awake and function so you tend to eat more junk and calories during the time when your body cannot burn it efficiently. Ever stay up late and get those uncontrollable urges for sugary foods? That's your body fighting to get more calories to stay awake because of ghrelin and a sure way to get fat fast. Get your 7-8 hours of sleep a night. You'll practically start waking up slimmer!
Too much toxicity! Each and every day we are exposed to toxins. Both environmental and created by our own bodies. So not only is your body attacked from the outside... it also attacks itself from the inside! Keeping toxins under control is critical to balancing all of the hormonal systems in your body, as well as cellular regeneration and repair. Detoxifying the body also gets your body into the fat burning zone and helps to keep burning the fat 24/7. Detoxify your body... but be careful many of the well known detoxifiers are not what people claim they are, they're downright dangerous and many times useless. I'll tell you how to find out which ones are good later.
These are just a few simple things can cause massive amounts of stubborn fat to stay on your body and even grow larger and larger especially on your hips, thighs and belly.
Isn't it time for a change?
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Controlling leptin is the first step in this change, but there’s more…
What if… you discovered that you could eat more, exercise less, and actually LOSE THE WEIGHT and keep it off?
What if... you could take some simple steps that could radically transform your body in only a few short months?
What if you discovered the secrets to controlling the miracle hormone leptin and made it work for you, burning fat and excess weight right off your body.
Would to try it if there was a way?
Well, there's IS a way!
If you've been looking for a rapid weight loss method that burns unwanted fat at "breakneck" speed - while increasing your vitality and mental alertness, then this is the answer you've been looking for.
Finally, you can look better and feel healthier faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible!
You're About to Discover A Weight Loss Secret That Has Been Successfully Tested By Over 30,000 People and Counting...
."Lost 30 pounds In 30 Days!"
...Many of my friends and family asked me what kind of diet I was on and I told them that it was not a diet, I was maximizing my life. In the 30 day challenge I lost close to 30 pounds. I have a renewed level of energy. I no longer take any drugs of any kind. No more acid reflux. I started exercising after week 4 and I can’t wait to get home from work to do my workouts. I have continued to increase the amounts of good fats I eat. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and continue to loose unwanted body fat. Who would have “thunk it”? Eat more XSECRETX and lose fat?
Rob W.
London, Ontario
.If you’d like to STOP the yo-yo dieting…, stop all the grueling hours in the gym… stop eating those lousy boxed diet foods… stop counting calories and points… and especially stop starving yourself… then this page will completely transform your life starting today!
Facts About Why Most Diets Don't Work!
Low carb diets only work temporarily. you'll lose weight but once you're off you gain it back and then some. Not only is gaining more weight horrible, but low carb diets make you feel like crap...give you low energy...headaches...nausea...mood swings...lack of focus and anger spells. Your brain needs sugar to function. Make sense? Plus you can develop bowel and/or elimination issues. (need I say more?)
Low calorie diets are the equivalent of forcing a "famine" on your body. Not only will you lose precious muscle mass (which burns off the fat), but the second you go back to normal eating...your body thinks "Oh Boy! Time to store this stuff for the next time I'm starving!? Think of inflating a balloon!
Low fat diets are the reason many people today are so darn FAT! Dietary fat controls many critical processes in your body...burning fat is one of them. In fact, dietary fat is necessary to produce certain hormones that control everything from sex drive, muscle mass, mood and of course how your body burns fat. Not only do low fat diets create a negative hormonal environment, but they also force you to eat higher carbohydrates and often high sugar. Most of the low fat foods around are VERY high in sugar.
Counting points and calories. Well you would think that those were the proper ways to lose weight, wouldn't you? Reality is a different story. Counting the equivalent of the Low Calorie diets. Counting calories is unrealistic and your body was not designed to be fed like a machine. It has its own rhythm. Fighting your body's natural rhythm will get you sick more often. When your body needs more have to feed it!
Liquid diet. Yuck! Honestly, if you were to feed yourself liquids like protein shakes and juices all day for days on end, you'd end up losing some weight, but guess what? Your body would lose its ability to process food normally and fight back. The second you ate any normal food, you better be near a bathroom! Liquid diets can be dangerous and have been known to cause gastric distress. Not only will you be lacking fiber, but you would also taking away your body's evolutionary response to digest food. Your organs need the exercise. Ever heard the term, "Use it or Lose it?"
Now that we have that squared away you’re probably wondering…
Who Are You and Why Should I Listen To YOU Dr. Ben?
Allow me to introduce myself more formally.
Hi, my name is Dr. Ben Lerner and I am New York Times and Wall Street Journal, best-selling author. I have served as physician for the U.S. wrestling teams in six World Team competitions and two Olympiads.
At seminars, conferences, and media appearances throughout North America, I currently show people how to apply the four laws of Olympic success to achieve optimal health, outrageous happiness, and prosperity. Needless to say, I know a thing or two that can help you.
Here's a little bit more about me and the co-creators of what you're about to discover...
Dr Ben Lerner
Dr Ben Lerner is America's Weight-Loss Miracle Mentor. He is the author of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Christian Booksellers Association best-selling book, Body by God: the Owner's Manual for Maximized Living. His breakthrough strategies for total health and well-being are the foundation to his thriving local practice, which is one of the largest clinics of any kind in the world.
An academic all-American wrestler in college, he has served as physician for the U.S. wrestling teams in six World Team competitions and two Olympiads. At seminars, conferences, and media appearances throughout North America, he shows people how to apply the four laws of Olympic success to achieve optimal health, outrageous happiness, and prosperity.
Coauthor Greg Loman
Dr. Greg Loman is the co-author of the New York Times best-selling book, One Minute Wellness. A radio and television personality through his Ultimate Health broadcasts in Naples, Florida. He is a health and performance expert, speaking to churches and businesses around the U.S. as well as consulting for their leaders. An off-shore world power boat racing champion, Dr. Greg Loman has learned what it takes to be
the very best. He cofounded Teach the World about Chiropractic with Dr. Ben Lerner. Their clients have the largest, most successful clinics in the profession today.
Coauthor Charles Majors
Dr. Charles Majors has built five health-care clinics, one of which is among the largest natural healthcare clinics in the world. He consults and coaches doctors, patients, and businesses on how to apply the principles of the Weight-Loss Miracle to achieve outrageous health and incredible happiness.
Today I'd like to speak frankly with you about what how you can apply my principles to immediately drop 10, 15, 25 pounds or more and never gain it back!
As you already know controlling leptin is one powerful way to lose weight. What you may not realize is that there are many, many things that can cause you to gain weight and of course the inevitable health risks that come with weight gain.
What’s worse is that these things also make it very difficult to lose weight too.
Hint: Toxicity is one cause of weight gain and problems losing weight.
You’ve probably heard the stories yourself…
In fact, I’ve seen and heard enough stories about weight loss to make me sick for a thousand lifetimes.
The frustrated patients that come to me have tried the latest and greatest annual fads, especially after New Years, and I’ve heard the stories about those diet meetings... and guess what?
They all failed miserably!
Sure, these people lost a few pounds here and there, but each and every New Years Day... there they were, making the same darn "resolution" over again -- only this time they were older and heavier than .
Enough was enough!
These people all deserved something better and so do YOU!
Did you know...?
Yo-Yo Dieting and Pills Can Kill You!
Most people go on a diet and they don’t stick to it because its too strict or they practically starve themselves and their weight loss just stops (plateaus) so they get frustrated and quit.
That kind of dieting puts an enormous amount of stress on your body. And… because of the restriction in calories and the fact that your body knows when you’ve lose some weight, your body forces you to get more calories to gain it back and bring you back to what it thinks is “normal.”
Heard that before?
Usually, this leads to binge eating behavior and you end up gaining back more weight than you had you started the strict dieting!
Not a good thing.
The problem is, people want a “Magic Pill” and they are willing to try anything to get it. Gaining more weight back each time than when they started with doesn’t usually make these people stop the vicious cycle.
...The desire for the "magic pill" motivates them to look for even more drastic measures to take?
Even worse is the fact that many of these people have abused their bodies with substances that end up getting banned!
Case in point: The government ban in 2004 on the herbal supplement Ephedra. Ephedra was the king of weight loss supplements.
It was all over TV and was even an added in many of the famous diet pills that are still around today.
People loved this stuff and it wasn’t really just for weight loss reasons. It was because of the chemical “buzz” it gave them.
After many deaths and tragic events Ephedra was banned. In fact there were plenty of side effects of Ephedra, but most people never heard about it.
After the ban, the weight loss industry lost A LOT of their revenues. So they decided that it was time to throw together a new product.
What did they do?
From what many people “in the know” have seen, they threw together any old product with some promise of fat loss into a giant concoction and sold it in pill form!
They actually looked for ingredients that gave people an emotional, feel good, "buzz" and added them to some shady herbal supplements that had limited testing done on them. Then they marketed these "Fat Loss Pills" as the "next greatest diet sensation."
Hey, they had to make up for the lost revenues because of the ban... so why not mess with your health?
As disgusting as that may seem, I’m not kidding.
The Weight Loss Gurus Are Scamming You!
As if the pills weren’t bad enough, then there’s the weight loss gurus that get on TV and try to sell you their rehashed information on losing weight, some unproven tummy flattening gadget or some secret to how you can drop tons of weight in a week… and the hype goes on and on.
The truth is, because so many people want and indeed need to lose weight, these entrepreneurs, cleverly disguised as fitness gurus, get on their soap box and each try to sell you their unproven stuff.
Sure, I’ll be the first to tell you that there are real people out there who deserve credit and really know what they are doing and talking about, but 9 times out of 10 they are a complete shell and have no substance in them.
Those people are all fluff and no substance.
…That’s one of the reasons that I’m here, talking with you today.
…That’s why today, I want to introduce you to The Weight Loss Miracle.
What Is The Weight Loss Miracle?
"Ken has lost 25 lbs. and I have lost 18 lbs..."
Ken has lost 25 lbs. and I have lost 18 lbs. I no longer have swollen aching hands. We both feel the best we have in a long time. We feel that if we continue with the program Ken will be able to get off his meds. Thank you Dr. Scott and the Maximized Living Program!!!!
Ken and Elaine Brockhaus
.Before I tell you what The Weight Loss Miracle IS let me tell you what…
"The Weight Loss Miracle" is NOT:
* It is not some "outlandish" product claiming that you have critters living in your body... propagating fear and lies about why you can't lose weight.
* It is not some "steroid guru" selling you his or her fluffed up bodybuilding information in an attempt to make you believe they can mold and sculpt you into the next Mr. or Ms. Olympia with his magical system.
* It is not some rehashed and untested information based on shady science and fads.
* It is not a magic pill that will make your body toxic and sick. (although The Weight Loss Miracle does work like "magic")
So what exactly is The Weight Loss Miracle anyway?
Simply put... The Weight Loss Miracle is one of the most comprehensive fat loss and health guides in the world!
Yes, it's a simple, step-by-step weight loss blueprint that teaches you how to make simple changes to your diet and lifestyle so that you can become healthier and leaner faster than anything you've ever tried !
The Weight Loss Miracle was created by myself and Dr. Greg Loman, also a New York Time Best-Selling Author, and Dr. Charles Majors who is also the founder of some of the largest natural health care clinics in the world!
Traditional medical doctors (except for new and growing group of doctors you’ll learn about in The Weight Loss Miracle) would rather let you get sick and hooked on drugs than for you to be healthy and drug free.
It's no surprise to me and I'm pretty sure you're not surprised by that either.
That's why we've put together The Weight Loss Miracle Program.
With "The Weight Loss Miracle" you're going to discover an easy way for any person, regardless of how much you currently weigh, regardless of what kind of genetics you have... regardless of how physically active you are... to immediately begin to...
* Lose massive quantities of fat quickly!
* Look younger and feel more attractive.
* Boost your self confidence and shine in everything you do!
* Melt off belly fat like butter in a frying pan! (almost)
* Lose fat without drugs!
* Increase your longevity so you can be there for your loved ones and never miss those precious moments.
* Lose fat without starving! In fact, you'll eat more delicious food and lose weight faster.
* Your body will be cleaner and less prone to diseases.
* Increase your energy and keep it up all-day-long.
* Get guaranteed results fast!
Better yet… Here’s just a small fraction of what you’ll be able to do and what you’ll discover in The Weight Loss Miracle...
* Lets you crank up your metabolism so you burn excess body fat a lot, lot faster. This means fitting into the clothes you actually WANT to wear. Can you say "skinny jeans?"
* Discloses the 5 critical reasons why you have not lost all the fat you want to.
* Learn about the most important things you should do trying to lose weight. Miss these steps and you're destined to fail!
* How to make one simple change -- like flipping a light switch -- and you'll instantly turn on your body's fat burning potential!
* Uncover the secret "power foods" that kick your weight loss into high gear, but they are so'll be in denial!
* What is SAD and why is it killing you?
* Why butter is really GOOD and why you should eat it! (yeah...that one got me too!)
* EXACTLY how to stimulate the miracle hormone leptin to tip the scales of fat loss in your favor almost immediately? You'll start burning fat like a furnace! Heck, it'll be fat burning equivalent of burning a stick with a flame thrower!
* Sleep like a log! With the diet secrets in The Weight Loss Miracle and the cleaner and leaner life you'll be leading...there's no stopping a good night's rest. you'll be out like a light as soon as your head hits your pillow.
* What are the 5 Essentials and how can they transform your body and life forever?
* The truth about many common prescription pills that is guaranteed to make your stomach turn!
* How you can defeat "Big Pharma" - David and Goliath style with this ‘one sling’ strategy that sends an instant knockout punch to their fat, swollen pockets.
* Why "Willpower" is not the answer to your food cravings. This ground breaking scientific strategy is one of the reasons our members are SO successful!
* Discover the whole TRUTH about cholesterol. This will surely make a lot of people raving mad. Especially those who have been mislead by traditional (commercial) medicine and science.
* And there's so-o-o-o much more...
Finally, You Can Lose 10, 15, 25, EVEN 100 Pounds and Never Gain It Back!
FACT: You are made up of fifty to one hundred trillion cells. You create more than one hundred billion new cells every day of your life. Your body may look the same, but you are NEVER physically the same person you were from year to year or even day to day!
That's only one tiny fact that you’ll learn about in The Weight Loss Miracle book. It will teach you how to practically light a furnace inside your body and sizzle off the fat!
Thousands of people have ALL used The Weight Loss Miracle to lose weight fast.
"Lost 7 pounds in the last 2 Weeks!"
Dear Weight-loss Miracle,
...I have lost seven pounds in the last two weeks and I am looking forward to losing more and making my body as healthy as I can. I would definitely recommend this program to everyone I know. Most of my friends and family think that I am kooky for trying this and they don't think that I am going to be able to stick it out. But I am determined to shed the weight that has so steadily crept on over the years so that I can live disease free for the rest of my life and set an example for those around me whose lives I touch everyday!
-Marlena Mohney
."This program has changed my life in countless ways."
Dear Weight-loss Miracle,
This program has changed my life in countless ways. It has motivated me to exercise more, eat proper healthy foods, read labels, understand what I'm eating, realize how important the Law of Attraction really is, and so much more. It has made me feel so passionate about the things you discuss that I am always telling people about the information I have learned. Everything just seemed to point me in this direction. This program has changed my outlook on life, which I desperately needed. I will definitely be spreading the great information I have learned as often as I can.
-Andrea Shalda
."Lost 14 pounds in 5 Weeks!"
Dear Weight-loss Miracle,
"There are many genetic problems that run in my family: Lung cancer, breast cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, heart failure, liver failure, early death, short life spans, diabetes, and many more. And I looked at that list and refuse to become another member of my family to fall into those categories.
The [program] has taken a different approach to "fixing" me, and I've committed to making myself healthier and that's what I've been doing. My reoccurrence of migraines went down dramatically, I have a lot less pain in my upper back and neck, from the diet I've went from 167 to 153 (in 40 days) and I'm still going until I hit my goal weight of 140, my skin has cleared up and rejuvenated itself, I haven't gotten sick since the start of the new year, I took my blood pressure the other day and it was 78/120, which is better than it ever has been, all thoughts of depression and sadness have gone away almost indefinitely. I feel better today than I have in 20 years and I haven't taken a single type of medication or drug since the beginning of January.
The program has not only helped me achieve a goal I've had for a long time to lose weight, but it's also educated me in how I don't want to live and motivated me towards a life I want to live.
."I have now lost 25 pounds!"
...It was not easy. It is hard to change twenty-six years of bad habits. But I was dedicated to the Healing Diet, and the results I have seen are nothing short of miraculous. In just over thirty days, I had lost 15 pounds. I was sleeping better at nights. I was no longer in pain. I was down to one small sore on the inside of my leg. My insulin usage was down almost by half, and my insulin resistance was much better. My blood pressure was no longer high. In a few words, I was doing better than I had in almost twenty years!
Remember, I came into this as a skeptic. I did not expect this to work at all. But it did. And that is the bottom line. After medical science told me that there was nothing more to do, I tried one more desperate thing. And it paid off. I now have a new lease on life. I am getting married in August, and, for the first time in my life, I am not worried about starting a family. I had always been scared that I would be dead before I could see my kids graduate, or get married, or have children of my own. I feel that in not a small way, I owe my life to The Weight Loss Miracle. This program has given me the hope of a long life, and more importantly, a life of quality. I am proud to say that I have not taken any pain pills in over two months! I have now lost 25 pounds, and I feel better every day. Thank you, all of you, for making this possible.
God bless you, and keep doing what you do!
Tom Oxendahl
.You see, it's not a passing fad system or product.
This is a tested, step-by-step program that teaches your body to target fat cells and harmful toxins, FORCING them out of your body!
Better yet, it actually soothes your nervous system (reducing stress and hypertension) and balances out your hormones to create a youthful environment - perfect for weight loss and amazing vitality.
Ever wonder why do you get headaches whenever you go on a diet?
Ever wonder how to prevent your body from fighting back and compelling you to binge eat... especially late at night when all that food will get stored as fat?
You'll soon discover the answers to those questions and more!
The Weight Loss Miracle will put your body into a 24/7 fat burning zone while it protects you from the harmful internal and environmental toxins.
Here's an excerpt from the book:
"Columbia University's School of Public Health reported that 95 percent of all cancer is caused by diet and environment, referring to the slow accumulation or stockpiling of chemicals over decades, leading to disease."
Members of The Weight Loss Miracle Program are privy to this information and more... that's one of the primary reasons there are so many successes coming out of this program daily!
Here Are Some Amazing Photos of Weight Loss Miracle Champions...
Judy - Before and After - The Weight Loss Miracle
Dr Kristen Kells - Before and After - The Weight Loss Miracle
Remember this… many of the members of The Weight Loss Miracle program have come into the program morbidly obese and there are even more who have come into the program with very real problems besides being overweight.
The results?
Many of these people have been relieved of chronic pain and illness yet…
It's So Easy... Anyone Can Stick With It!
Don't just take my word for it though; watch these videos to see what other men and women have to say about The Weight Loss Miracle...
"I Just Finished A Triathlon...I Couldn't Even Walk At This Time Last Year...!"
"My life completely changed and completely turned around!"
"...I am 46 years old now and the last 20 years I couldn't drop a pound. As soon as I started the Weight Loss Miracle program, BOOM, I lost 15 pounds!"
Of course, there are literally tons more stories like those and I can share them with you later.
Here's some juicy information directly from The Weight Loss Miracle book itself (pg. 19):
"You may think that heart disease, which kills 800,000 people a year, is the greatest killer in America or cancer, which kills 700,000 people a year, but in reality, the number one cause of death in the United States, killing more than one million people a year, is iatrogenic disease, which simply means physician-related disease. This includes all of the deaths from some action or drug that is prescribed by a doctor, from going to a hospital, or from surgeries gone bad."
Dr. Ben, Be Honest With Me…
Why Should I Get The Weight Loss Miracle Today?
There's a million reasons why you should really get The Weight Loss Miracle today, but here are few reasons and I’ll keep them short...
First, the health secrets in this book alone are worth their weight in gold!"
Second, and I really shouldn't say this, but it's really a cold, hard TRUTH!
The facts of the matter are...and please forgive me for being bluntly honest here…
People who are fit and healthy make more money and attract more friends than people who are overweight!
Yes, our world is very a superficial one... but this is not only about looks, this is also about your health. Let's face the facts here, a long and healthy life are not in the cards if you're carrying around too much weight.
Here's the bottom line my friend, there are over 300 pages of REAL valuable and hard-hitting content in The Weight Loss Miracle book.
Truth is, you don’t even need to read all that to get started today with The Weight Loss Miracle.
SECRET: There’s a super fast Quick Start Guide in the program. Shhh!
Prior to today, this material was only available under the direct supervision of a medical professional - someone like me, and it would cost you a minimum of $750 for an hour of a medical professional’s time – PLUS travel, lodging and meal expenses.
At that rate a single consultation could cost you a minimum of $1,500 if you did everything else cheaply.
The thing is, you would have to travel half way around the world in some cases to get this information from me or my colleagues -- and I know that's definitely beyond the budget of most people these days.
So after consulting with the most important people in my life, my family and my patients, I decided on a more practical, inexpensive and instant access approach.
Finally, you can access this information INSTANTLY by downloading it online for $99.95, $69.95, only $39.95 today!
Yes, you read that right!
Only $39.95 for what is fast becoming one of the most important breakthrough weight loss programs ever designed!
You get the most comprehensive weight loss program ever developed -- a tested - proven effective by real people method -- that will help you drop all the unhealthy weight you want, while getting healthier and younger looking at the same time.
The only real question is...
Are You Ready to Take Control and Get The Weight Loss Miracle Today?
If you're anything like most of our members, I'm pretty sure that by now, you're absolutely ready to get started.
Needless to say, making the decision to lose the weight and become a healthier, more vibrant person is the most important decision you will ever make.
I promise, when you see the results in your body and image by simply taking a few easy steps towards changing your body, you'll be a changed person forever!
Not only will you look great but you'll also have the energy to do things that you thought were only for twenty-one year olds.
Better still, I'm going to make this a zero risk deal for you! I'm bare ALL risk square on my shoulders and all you have to do is say, "Maybe." That's right. Give it a try and be satisfied or ask and you'll get 100% of your money back.
Hurry! This discounted price is only available for a limited time!!
100% Zero Risk - Secure Order FormYES, Dr. Ben I want this The Weight Loss Miracle Ebook PLUS all of the amazing gifts for the low one-time price of only $99.95, $39.95 today...
*Yes, I understand that I get your full 60-Day Guarantee to try out The Weight Loss Miracle program and if I am not completely satisfied that this is the most comprehensive fat loss and health guide I have ever experienced, I will receive a full refund of my purchase price.
*I can see how valuable this program is with a potential value of over $866.95. I completely understand how much you believe in this program and I'm ready to take the next steps.
*I'm ready to live a healthier life filled with love, beauty and happiness...and I know I deserve them all!